View Full Version : Really worried... Kind of a woman thing!

05-15-2014, 11:52 PM
I think I've mentioned this before but I have pain in my left breast a lot and it gives me serious anxiety!! Ugh I am too scared to go to the doctor about it. The pain has been there for 4+ years. And I can feel a lump in there but when I had my first prenatal appt when I was pregnant with my son in May 2012 I brought it up to my OB and she briefly felt it but I almost immediately pulled away and she deemed it a cyst... I want to believe that but why does it never go away? Why is it only my left breast? I just have so many questions and it makes my anxiety go crazy.

05-16-2014, 05:15 AM

I understand your fear but really, would you rather continue as you are, or would you rather know exactly what you are dealing with and have a solid course of action.

Odds are pretty good that it is just as your doc said, but if it is still bothering you after such a length of time then go get it checked out. The peace of mind alone will be of such benefit and you can get on with one less worry.

Cheers, and good luck!

05-16-2014, 08:26 AM
No matter how scary it is, ignoring a pain in your breast is not a good thing. Start off by getting a mammogram and go from there. You have a son who is dependent on you, so your decisions don't just affect you. I get mammograms every few years and they really aren't bad and go by fast. I was terrified to get a colonocopy, but my doctor insisted, and it turns out it wasn't bad at all. And wow, the peace of mind was well worth it!

05-16-2014, 08:27 AM
Take something to read or distract you, and as soon as you go into the door, start chatting about anything with the x-ray lady. She'll chat back and it sort of helps distract you.

05-16-2014, 09:05 AM
Take something to read or distract you, and as soon as you go into the door, start chatting about anything with the x-ray lady. She'll chat back and it sort of helps distract you.

Thanks ladies. I've had this pain for provably since I was in high school. I'm now 25. I called my regular doctor and he wants me to come in for a breast exam Wednesday then he will refer me if he thinks I need to be referred.

05-16-2014, 09:33 AM
Most cysts in the breast resolve itself somehow, or they stay whole life, I would do mammogram just to be safe. When you touch it, is it soft? Cancerous growth is usually small and hard. Please check at least once a week your breast the best when you take shower, it is easy to do it. If you are big breasted woman you will have " bumpy" breast. I had always some bumps and cysts which dissapeared after some time.
Mammogram is a good idea and tell the GP that you do not know how to check the breast. It usually push them to check it well and teach you how to do it. They get paid for the care of us. Please keep us posted:) I am sure it is nothing dangerous:)