View Full Version : Health Anxiety and Talking it Through

05-15-2014, 01:07 PM
I had a great conversation with my husband last night. God bless him, he listens to me on a daily basis worry over one ache and pain to another. God uses people in our lives to speak to us and he offers reassurance daily.

Here is some helpful (in my opinion) information that I got out of our conversation.

If I want something to be wrong with me, there will be. I will always find something. I'm only 29 but liken myself to an old car, if you go poking around in there long enough, you're bound to find something. There are a lot of phantom symptoms brought on by anxiety and stress. They become exacerbated by Google searches, self help/diagnosis posts and the media. You have to decide what you are putting your trust in.

Personally, I am a Christian and I know I can put my trust in God. A friend of mine is a prayer warrior and she says, "I tell people that I guarantee 100% healing to everyone I pray for. It just may not be in this life. We are healed in death." No one really wants to think about dying, that's why we're here right? But it is a fact of life and it will happen. My chances of getting in an automobile accident are much higher than my chances of contracting cancer or another life altering disease, but that's not what causes my anxiety. I focus on the negative. I recently got a biopsy and they told me only 2-3% come back malignant. I focused on the 2-3% and not the 97% that it would come back fine.

You all know those stories about people who are given months to live and they "press on" and have a "great attitude" and they whip the disease? That is the power of the mind and it works both ways. It can help you or it can be your worst enemy. That doesn't always happen, but even science has shown through the placebo effect that if someone believes that what they are doing is working, their bodies will follow suit. How I react and how I spend my time and who I surrender control to is my choice. Only mine.

I can spend my days being irritable and anxious, second guessing my doctors, looking up symptoms on the internet, being afraid to visit the doctor and so forth and perhaps live a long life well into my nineties without problems, but what did I do with my time? Was it enjoyable? No, I don't enjoy freaking myself out, and I certainly don't want to live that way.

On the other hand, sure I could never worry and then be dealt a devastating blow, but my story is not the same as yours and vice versa. What worked for me may not work for you, and that is okay. Each situation is different and I am not a medical professional and I cannot diagnose myself or anyone else, but I can confidently say that this too shall pass. There is hope, but you have to endure and work for it. This post will only (possibly) grant you temporary relief. You have to find permanent relief yourself.

God's blessings on you.

05-15-2014, 02:19 PM
Thanks for this. Its just what I needed. Got back from vacation a few days ago and since I got back I have been plagued with intense hypochondria and I cant shake the feeling that im gona die any second. Its horrible.
I was on vacation for 10 days and I was perfectly fine. No anxiety. No symptoms nothing. And now its back. Depressed :(

Wish I could stop focusing so hard on every little twinge or cramp or pain in my body

05-15-2014, 02:32 PM
Hi vonnhelsing, I am with you an that. Sometimes it just pops right out of no place and then I have to go through and tell myself that I have health anxiety and it's usually a battle but it eventually fades away. Still sucks though.
Sorry your feeling down and I hope it passes quickly for you.

05-15-2014, 03:29 PM
It can be so debilitating... but it does always pass... wish it would pass permanently...

05-15-2014, 05:12 PM
Me to. I wonder what that would be like? Someday..............