View Full Version : please help. could my anxiety be causing these problems?

05-19-2008, 10:45 PM
I was diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder several years ago. I went on meds for it and things got better but didnt like the idea of taking meds so i stopped them. everything was fine and then I developed severe abdominal, bladder pain, ibs, and other random pains that are constant. I have had every imaginable test and the doctors can find absolutely nothing wrong. I am still in great pain everyday however. Could my anxiety issues be manifesting as physcial symptoms such as this? I am desperate for help. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

05-19-2008, 11:55 PM
From personal experience I can say that symptoms can include all kinds of pains - some last for quite some time and are scary, others seem to go away by themselves after a few days.
Anxiety can cause all kinds of physical symptoms, and it seems no two patients/sufferers are the same.

If you really are worried about these pains, don't be afraid to ask your doctor to test you again or get a second opinion from another doctor.

05-21-2008, 10:45 AM
I don't know what meds you were on, or what withdrawl they might have. There are some possibilities you should talk to your doctor about.

Withdrawl. This could be a short term withdrawl from stopping meds.

Another could be your anxiety. If you were on these meds and did not have these problems before, you could always try taking them again and see if with in a week these abdominal, bladder pain, ibs, and other random pains heal up and go away.

It might give you an answer or at least rule something out.

05-23-2008, 03:19 AM
Anxiety can have all sorts of effects on the body; it’s not uncommon for people to have physical symptoms caused by a psychological problem – this could be what’s happening.

I too have been suffering from pains, although mine are in my chest, back and arms. I get very worried that it’s something to do with my heart at times, despite going to hospital twice and being told this is not the case.

I’m pretty sure however that the pain I’m feeling isn’t a manifestation of the anxiety itself, and there is something genuinely wrong with me – albeit undiagnosed. However my anxiety does add to the symptoms I think, because I’m constantly tense, which doesn’t help if the pain is muscular or (possibly) cardiac related.

This could be the same with you. Your pain is genuine, but not helped and probably increased by anxiety rather than the anxiety being the actual cause of it.

05-23-2008, 12:13 PM
I seem to have developed A LOT of problems with my stomach as well. I tend to carry stress in my stomach and when I get stressed out I get abdominal discomfort and frequent trips to the bathroom. But, lately it doesn't even seem like I am stressed out when these problems start to happen. I have had almost constant stomach discomfort for the past month or so. It seems like if I'm not in the bathroom than my stomach either hurts or it's acidy or I feel nauseous. It has gotten to the point where if my stomach feels normal than I get really excited. I have dealt with the bladder problems as well.

I went to the gastroenterolgist about a month and a half ago and he told me that when you are stressed out your stomach contracts. This contracting can cause cramping and will make you have to move your bowels. He also told me that the same thing happens with your bladder. I think that I have just gotten to the point where I worry so much about the stomach pain happening that I actually somehow stress myself out to the point where I cause my stomach to be upset. I don't know. I also notice that my stomach feels much better on days when I don't work. I have had the last 2 days off and my stomach has felt pretty much fine, but the whole week before that I was having all kinds of problems with it. I think a lot of my anxiety revolves around where I work. It's hard to deal with. Anyway, I'm sorry that this is so long. I just wanted to share with you that you are not alone when it comes to your stomach.