View Full Version : Lexapro not going so great

05-14-2014, 09:13 PM
So I was put on Lexapro 5 mg about two months ago. Had been on Pristiq for years, doc said I needed to come off of it. At first the Lexapro seemed ok, but about a week ago I started feeling really down, out of it, and just not myself. I'm going in tomorrow to ask to be taken off of the Lexapro, and to get referred to a therapist.

Anyone e have similar experience with Lexapro?

05-14-2014, 09:45 PM
Well, that is a very low dose. Most docs will prescribe 10 mg to start and increase up to 20 to get good results.

05-14-2014, 09:56 PM
Well, that is a very low dose. Most docs will prescribe 10 mg to start and increase up to 20 to get good results.

Yea I'm aware it's a low dose. But I'm glad he started me that low after reading all the horror stories of people being on Lexapro. I'm starting to feel like I'm fighting to maintain who I am as a person, like the medication is burying me inside this facade.

I would like to come off of SSRI's altogether, go to therapy and deal with it without drugs. I know that may be a little idealistic, but it's what I'm striving for.