View Full Version : New paranoia

05-14-2014, 09:45 AM
My anxiety has been pretty good for a few months, but lately it's coming back. Right now, I am terrified about being exposed to a brain nematode :/. I've been using a prescription nasal spray for my allergies and yesterday I cleaned the cap. I wiped the nostril insert down with hydrogen peroxide, and then also poured some in the cap. I then rinsed the cap with tap water to get out some of the dried medication. After letting the cap dry a little, I put it back on the insert although there were still some water drops on it.

This morning, I read an article in the scientific american about the brain nematode people were getting and dying from because they used tap water in their neti pots. Now I'm terrified a little of the tap water I used to clean my nasal spray cap could have contaminated my medication :( I don't want to die of encephalitis!