View Full Version : mood swings?

05-19-2008, 09:08 PM
I've noticed that my mood changes drastically withing a second when I start to feel my symptoms, like weakness and tingling. I guess this is normal?
but I hate hate this feeling...

05-20-2008, 05:10 AM
This sort of thing is normal. You might be feeling just fine, but when a weird anxiety symptom hits you ut of the blue, your mood sinks. r you might start to feel fearful. Or both. After all, it is just a nasty reminder than your anxiety condition is still very much present. But it is NOT a sign of bipolar disorder. I think that MANY anxiety sufferers end up being hobbled with bipolar meds when they tell doctors that they have these mood swings. But bipolar mood swings are something COMPLETELY different from the mood swings typical of anxiety disorder.

If you find yourself doing this, then try not to react to your symptoms as negatively. Try to accept them to the best of your ability as simply symptoms of stress that will go away when your anxiety subsides.

05-20-2008, 06:50 PM
yeah, but this is like night and day. When bad mood is switched I feel really down, almost like no sense to live anymore, weird.