View Full Version : Thumder storms...eeeek!

05-13-2014, 04:59 PM
Ok guys , big chicken here.

1st severe thunderstorm of the season and the anxiety levels are going through the roof. Did I mention, severe thunderstorms freak me out.

Am I the only one? Or am I nuts? Wahhhh!

05-13-2014, 05:21 PM
Take the negative and try.... I say try as its easier said than done, but look at the awesome power and beauty that those lighting storms give. Its a spectacular light show. Your fear is that awesome power I am assuming.

Try to look at the positives of it! Dont be afraid of it! Be "awwwed" by it =)

05-13-2014, 05:27 PM
You are so right Exactice! Here I am listening to someone give me exactly the same support I would give anyone else. Thank you!

The storm is over now but I think you are right, it is the unpredictability and power of storms that puts me on edge.

By the way, how have you been? I'm hoping that no news is good news for you.

Thanks again

05-13-2014, 05:37 PM
This has been the take with many things that may bother me. I try to look at it in the most positive and "beautiful" way I can. I try to correct my thinking in not looking into fear but looking into wonder and amazement.

As for me I am doing ok, I will post up in my thread so as not to clutter this one =)

05-13-2014, 08:33 PM
Hi Pam,
We had a few roll through here the last few days and I always have a couple extra people sleeping on my bedroom floor when the thunder rolls ( the two little ones ).
Someday I will tell you about the 3 tornado's that have been way too close for comfort. My kids think I am jinks. I used to love to sit and watch the storms but then I had kids and the game changed and so did the rules. The best thing about now days is we have some pretty good advance notice of storms and if you stay alert and stay smart you should be good and I am sure you have a alert for those fancy phones you guy's have, lol. ( have i ever said how much i want one of those? ) Good luck Pam and I hope they pass quick. they are calling for one more day of it for us tomorrow.

05-13-2014, 08:36 PM
I am not scared anymore, hubby home:) We have such high humidex that I needed to start the A/C
I acutally enjoy watching the thunderstorms but only when I am not alone. When I had my lab I had to calm her down....she was really nervous about it, whole 110 pounds of shaking dog on my lap:))

05-14-2014, 04:27 AM
Hi Dahila,
I am glad your hubby is home. I really like watching thunderstorms to.