View Full Version : E X S U F F E R E R S

The Melody of Rain
05-19-2008, 07:12 PM
Am I the only one? I'd be interested in hearing your stories...

05-20-2008, 12:32 AM
Lately, I have been feeling like I might be able to consider myself to be an ex-sufferer sometime fairly soon. Although I cannot say that it is over yet, I have been feeling ALOT less anxiety in recent weeks than several months ago. However, even if I feel ALOT less anxious, I still don't quite feel myself again. Of course, this will take acceptance, time, and patience to overcome just like the anxiety itself. So I'm not going to put any timetables on this thing.

Just keep in mind that you probably won't find many ex-sufferers here. Most people who have recovered from anxiety don't like to spend time on anxiety forums. As far as myself, we will have to see.

05-20-2008, 02:37 AM
I am only an ex-sufferer in the sense that my latest bout is over. My anxiety is characterised by short periods of intermittant intense anxiety, brought about by some trigger (often during the months of january-march). At the moment I feel great but I couldn't say with confidence that sometime in the future something won't trigger it off again. I could go several years without feeling bad again. I think I am a lot wiser this time around to what may cause it - i.e. stress so maybe next time I'll be able to head it off before it happens. In the meantime I definately need to work on my negative thinking because thats what the anxiety feeds on when it strikes...

05-20-2008, 10:07 AM
No, I don't have an anxiety disorder anymore, but I still feel depressed. Got cured last year.

05-28-2008, 08:26 AM
Recovery is such as nice word to hear. Well, i won't jump to a definite conclusion on this matter. As I mentioned in my posting before, anxiety disorder is not an acute mental illness as compared to major depression, bipolar and schizophrenia. This mean there is hope for recovery. Would anyone agree with me?

I have seen many cases (records) of GAD sufferers and found out that they received treatment for 2 or 3 years only. However, I can't tell you if they they stop getting any form of treatment from some where else. As to why they cease treatment is uncertain though. Do they consider themselves recovered? Like my case, I still consider myself suffering although not on treatment. Are those cases are similar to mine? Anyway, I hope that theirs are than mine.

My very close friend, a GAD sufferer told me that he is recovered by 80% but 20% is still remain in him. Hahaha..it's funny! What did he really mean by measuring his recovery in percentage? Okay, if his is 80 20 then mine might be measured as 79 21. Or 90 10 at times and my worst state is 65 35. Crazy way to measure thing huh.

May God speed up our recovery.