View Full Version : Hello...

05-12-2014, 08:20 PM
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and have to say that I am so relieved to find this. I have struggled with anxiety/depression for many, many years. Like most all the posts I have read, have been on medication after medication. Right now I am on Welbutrin. (sp ?) A couple of months ago, I tried to stop, but after about 5 weeks, the tense, anxious feelings came. They are constant. . .with shakes resulting in my poor husband getting the brunt of my outbursts of frustration. Then depression sets in because I do not want to be this way. So, I am back on the med and my husband isn't afraid to be around me again.

Something fairly recent, the past few years, about every three weeks I wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely. It is only a couple nights with sweats, but for about three days I live in total fear. I cannot be alone or I feel like I am literally going to die. My heart races and there is a 'pit' in my stomach. Since I am 50, I had thought it was hormonal, but after six months on estrogen, hormones are all leveled out and still on a schedule, the night sweats and fear. It just isn't a good thing to have to be babysat at age 50. . . Doctors do not know what is wrong with me and want me to go to a psychologist. . . I had gone to one many years ago who told me that I just have an embalance (sp?) I agree with others who have done this and it's the same thing, talk about the same thing and listen to the same ideas to cope along with prescribing medication. . .

I desparately want off chemicals. Just this past weekend I visited with a naturalist regarding my condition, he told me about the B vitamins and I immediately rushed to a Natural Store to begin my new treatment. After stumbling onto this thread, and reading about the Magnesium and Amino Acids, I am going back to the Natural Store with high hopes that this is my answer. . .My question is, should I stop the Welbutrin immediatley or is it ok to take all together as I wean off?

Thank you so much for your help. . .

05-13-2014, 04:30 AM
Welcome Mikesjewel.

You have found a really good place here. I too an in a similar hormonal flux as you and completely understand the misery it can impart. Glad you have the hormones balanced, I hope it is helping.

I understand your desire to get off the Welbutrin, but here's a thought for you. Your body is already existing in a state of chaos, and may for some time yet. If the Welbutrin helps add a measure of stability, what is the rush to get off it?

I really like your decision to add some vitamin supplements to your regime, I have been helped immensely with them. I can't recall if you mentioned magnesium, but that is a good one to add if you didn't mention it. Also, omega 3's. Oh yes, on the subject of magnesium, if you find that your digestive tract is easily upset, I might suggest mag/calcium combination, check with your naturopath or whomever you saw regarding the vitamins. Also, another source of magnesium is Epsom salts for your bath. It's a good excuse for some alone time to soak in a tub! Lord knows we deserve it with all the nonsense that our bodies go through at the late 40's- early 50's (I'm 49).

So, with all that I bid you a fond welcome! You have a kindred soul in me. Now, if there was only a magic bullet to get rid of the night sweats! Lol


05-13-2014, 04:34 AM
Sorry Mikesjewel ,

One more question for you. Have you had any difficulty with getting to sleep or staying asleep? I am having a tough time with this one and am feeling like a zombie. This insomnia is going to be the death of me!

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Natural Mystic
05-13-2014, 05:11 AM
I had insomia for over a year when my anxiety started ^^^, was absolutely awful. It's much better now but I still never sleep the whole night without waking a few times. Occasionally I'll take a anti histomine and that helps me have a good nights rest.

05-13-2014, 05:41 AM
Thanks, Pam.
I honestly wouldn't mind the Welbutrin, if I were convinced it is not the cause of the horrible fear that overtakes me three days a month.... All doctors say that the night sweats and fear is NOT hormonal... That's why they want me to see a Psych... Otherwise, I don't mind the med.... :-(

As far as not sleeping.... I honestly don't struggle with that except of course, during those particular nights...
Once in a while it happens and I hate taking anything to help sleep as it makes me foggy the next day. It would be better to just be tired.... I wish I had an answer for you....

Thanks again for the encouragement!!!

Natural Mystic
05-13-2014, 06:09 AM
I had insomia for over a year when my anxiety started ^^^, was absolutely awful. It's much better now but I still never sleep the whole night without waking a few times. Occasionally I'll take a anti histomine and that helps me have a good nights rest.

I am so sorry you are struggling, I know how awful it is xxx

05-13-2014, 06:48 AM
Hi Mikesjewel,

I am not convinced the doctors really understand what this is all about, and often their experience comes only from the textbook.

I have done a huge amount of reading about spikes in anxiety and fear a few days a month, as you mention. I too am troubled with it for a few days.

From what I understand, a significant drop in progesterone can trigger these events. It makes you wonder if you really are on the right track with your gut instinct. Hormones may be in play here, but not the one they typically think of.

Because of this I am going to my doc on Thursday and am going to ask for the blood work to measure all of the hormones. It is just about the time when I will get into that anxious time frame. Maybe looking at all the hormones I will be able to pinpoint the deficiency and hopefully find something to give me some relief.

Hoping your day is going well.

05-13-2014, 08:17 AM
Wow Pam, I didn't realize you were telling me that you are experiencing the same symptoms!! I hate that you are, but am so relieved that there may actually be reason for this mess!!! Honestly, I just knew I was the ONLY person in the world experiencing this!! I am extremely interested in your results. When the scheduled time for me comes, I will do the same... That totally makes sense that it could be different hormones ...

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and giving encouragement!! I believe you are an answer to prayer!!

Have a great day!!

05-13-2014, 05:24 PM
Hi Mikesjewel ,

What we seem to be experiencing is rather common as we head toward the big M word change. And so many things just seem to get out of wack. Or at least so the literature I have found recently says.

We are not going crazy, it just feels like it some times! Lol

At the moment this topic is an obsession of mine, so if you are interrested I will gladly share what I learn.

Hoping all is well with you.

05-13-2014, 09:20 PM
Hey Pam!!

I am more than interested, so yes please share! Good to know that I'm not totally crazy!! Apparently hormones are a big part of this?

Blessings to you!!!

05-15-2014, 12:18 PM
Hi Mikesjewel ,

Update, so it turns out that my progesterone levels are way low. Going to try the bioidentical hormone therapy and see how it goes, I'm really excited, I just want to feel human again. As I understand it it is the progesterone causing the issues we seem to be experiencing. Apparently estrogen alone won't entirely work, and can even make matters worse.

Wish me luck, I'll let you know how it goes.


05-15-2014, 04:16 PM
Wow!! Thanks so much for the update!! This is the first I've heard of the bioidentical hormone therapy. Just now started reading about it.
This is very exciting news!! So, did you go to your gynechologist or family dr to get a blood test?

Thinking about doing that, too. If it's the same for me, we can go through this together? Compare? Does the progestrone drop at those times of the episodes? Just wondering if I should wait until that happens?

Wishing you the best of luck!!
Thanks again for the update!!


05-15-2014, 06:23 PM
Went to family doctor. He suspected that it was low just from what it told him. Blood work came back and confirmed it.

If you are looking into it, google "perimenopause" , there was a really good site called "34 symptoms" and something else. You won't necessarily have symptoms all the time but what you describe is so similar to me.

What he put me on is "cyclical bioidentical hormone therapy" I only take it for so many days a month. The estrogen portion is called estrogel and it is a cream. The progesterone is a tablet and you take it before bed. It is called promethium.

I doubt I really need the estrogen part but the progesterone it probably going to be my ticket to sanity for those few days that I go haywire! Lol

So I'm hoping for the best. I have read really good things about it. Yes they can have some side effects, really minor ones and actually it seems that this stuff can actually help rather than be a cause of all those bad things you hear about with traditional HRT., especially with those as young as us!

Glad I could be of some help.

05-15-2014, 06:26 PM
Oh, one more thing, if you do get the blood work then probably do it about a week or so before you expect the craziness to begin. That's what I did.

If you are googling, look up estrogen dominance, it's complicated but it may turn on some light bulbs for you.


06-19-2014, 12:51 PM
Hi Pam,
It's been a while since we've written. I'm curios as to how your treatment is going....