View Full Version : Been on Buspirone and Amitriptyline for about 5 months now with great results.

05-12-2014, 07:57 PM
And my life has greatly improved! I worry less, stress less I do not lay awake at night with obsessive thoughts I feel as close to normal now then ever in my life and I am happier, less depressed and fell more "functional" I am on my last month of Buspirone but the other med I have a 12 month prescription.

05-14-2014, 07:41 PM
wow another reason i never visit here is noone ever responds

05-14-2014, 09:48 PM
I recently started taking buspirone and it has been very helpful. I had to look up amititiptyline (sp?) and saw it is Elavil. That is an old one and haven't heard anyone talk about it in a long time. Glad it is helpful to you. I think I've been afraid it might make me sleep too much.