View Full Version : Meditation, a good thing with anxiety?

05-12-2014, 04:39 PM
I have been thinking about meditation. Do you think that meditation is a good thing when you suffer from anxiety? We are already so introspective, analyzing every little thing our body does, every little sensation.

Is the practice of further training yourself to be more self aware of your body and mind helpful to anxiety sufferers?

05-12-2014, 05:06 PM
I'm the one who keeps quoting the ABC correspondent Dan Harris but his research shows it is not being introspective; it's focusing on your breathing only. His research shows this helps quiet the anxiety people have. He says to sit down in a quiet place, even if you only have 5 minutes to start with. You just focus on your breathing only. Each time you start to worry like, "what am I going to do next?" you just come back to the breathing. The exercise will overall help you be calmer in your life. You can read his book to learn more. "How to become 10% happier". He used his ability as a journalist and spent a year researching various things, and concluded that meditation has sound, scientific reasons for helping.

05-12-2014, 05:30 PM
Unless you have anxiety about your breathing, which many do.

I worried about my "Inability to take a deep breath" which is a pretty common symptom.

It was only after reading Dr Claire Weekes that i now have an understanding of this horrible symptom.

05-12-2014, 06:00 PM
Mist try it and you will see for yourself, It is awesome tool to control the anxiety

05-12-2014, 06:12 PM
Mist try it and you will see for yourself, It is awesome tool to control the anxiety

Do you recommend any good DVD's, Books/Audio Books..etc to get started?

05-12-2014, 07:39 PM
Hey MiST! :)

Here you go, you won't regret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8rkznuoHBs

Focus on your breathing and keep everything else out. Wish you the best!


05-12-2014, 08:12 PM
Mist Jon kabat Zinn and go and check my thread "Guided meditation" on beginning of the thread I put a lot of links to free guided meditation, which I believe is awesome for the beginners:)

05-13-2014, 12:57 AM
tergar.org, interesting site

05-13-2014, 05:52 AM
Great, thank's a lot guys!