View Full Version : Scared to leave my house

05-12-2014, 03:38 PM
I have to leave my house tomm
My son has a very important appointment
He's having early signs of autism so we are starting early intervention for him
I haven't left my house in days
I'm freaking out
Any advice to help calm my mind?
I want to be normal again
I'm all of a sudden terrified to leave my house
I know I need help but I'm scared to go get that too
An my sons development worries me as well
So I've just been a mess
This is no way to live :(
I need to be strong for my little boy
Staying indoors 24/7 is so unhealthy! But I can't find the mind strength to leave

Sorry if I'm all over the place
My mind is on race mode! It hasn't stopped racing in hours :(

05-12-2014, 04:16 PM
I'm so sorry for how you are feeling stephanie! If you feel this way all the time you just have to get yourself to a doctor. You have to get well to be there for your son! I wish I had some better advice for you. Good luck making it to your sons appointment! Is there any way your husband can take him if you can't manage to get yourself out of the house??

05-12-2014, 04:41 PM
I'm so sorry for how you are feeling stephanie! If you feel this way all the time you just have to get yourself to a doctor. You have to get well to be there for your son! I wish I had some better advice for you. Good luck making it to your sons appointment! Is there any way your husband can take him if you can't manage to get yourself out of the house??

I seen my doctor a few weeks ago
He did prescribe me 5mg lexapro
I'm scared to start taking it
The biggest struggle I have is starting medication
An Yes my fiancé is the one taking us :)
Only because my anxiety has caused me to stop driving over a year :(
I just def want to be there with them
But Thankyou for replying
I know I def need help that's prob the best advice anyone can give :/

05-12-2014, 05:00 PM
You've got to get some help. This is not a good way to live, especially if you have a son dependent on you. Don't be afraid because it's not like you're clinging on to some great life. If you get help you have a good chance of your life getting better.

05-12-2014, 05:08 PM
I seen my doctor a few weeks ago
He did prescribe me 5mg lexapro
I'm scared to start taking it
The biggest struggle I have is starting medication
An Yes my fiancé is the one taking us :)
Only because my anxiety has caused me to stop driving over a year :(
I just def want to be there with them
But Thankyou for replying
I know I def need help that's prob the best advice anyone can give :/

I totally understand your fears about meds. I tried Abilify and it was a disaster but I'm going back to my doc this week and I have to be willing to try something else because I simply can't live with this anxiety....it's no way to live!

05-18-2014, 09:27 AM
stephanie - Just wondering if you got out of the house and made it to your son's appointment?

05-21-2014, 06:31 PM
stephanie - Just wondering if you got out of the house and made it to your son's appointment?

My son woke up really sick with a respiratory viral infection That morning so we had to reschedule :(
So I have a few weeks to try an be calm enough to go! I hate anxiety! :(

05-21-2014, 07:00 PM
Hey Stephanie, I sorry you have to go through all of this, my first thing to you is, if you can get help try as best as possible. See if you can make a phone appointment with a doctor at first to make it easier.

Now, if I can throw in a couple things that have helped me when I was in a similar situation,

1) We need to first address what is going on and what are you fearful of
Why are you truly afraid to leave the house. Has your home become a place of haven where you feel the safest? Do you feel afraid to face other people? Are you afraid something specific. Write this fear down and acknowledge that its there. Dont be afraid of it, acknowledge it.

2) Now that you recognize the fear. Lets be realistic with it.
Can this fear really hurt you? can this fear really affect you? Have you actually dealt with this fear before and only now its been bothering you.

3) Write down the pros and cons of what this fear is to you
With this list you can really rationalize if this fear is true to take over your life or if its just something that is creating "stress" that you have dealt with before but only now it seems to make you feel uncomfortable

4) Now this will be the hardest part. We need to face this fear. Little by little
Face the fear, go out with someone you trust, family, Fiance etc. Take a walk even if its 5 minutes, but you need to step outside. You have to realize that yes.... it makes you "feel uncomfortable" but it cannot and will not kill you! It is just something that is making you feel junk that is all.

5) While you are facing this fear, dont be afraid to talk it out!
Talk to the fear to yourself or to someone, let it out, be with someone that is willing to listen, tell them how you feel, tell them that it makes you feel junk, but realize that you are not dying, you just need to "get it off your chest"

6) Meds, I was very sacred for many years to take the medications, but a Doctor that has seen many patience and has gone through schooling recommended it.
Its like a good book, someone that has read it and says its good, so why not try it. You can always stop and when you want, if it doesnt work you can talk to your doctor and explain the symptoms. Your doctors knows you and your body so it should be in the right direction.

Stephanie, take it step by step little by little, Dont rush it and be patient. You can do it!!!!!!!

05-21-2014, 09:09 PM
hey stephanie, i sorry you have to go through all of this, my first thing to you is, if you can get help try as best as possible. See if you can make a phone appointment with a doctor at first to make it easier.

Now, if i can throw in a couple things that have helped me when i was in a similar situation,

1) we need to first address what is going on and what are you fearful of
why are you truly afraid to leave the house. Has your home become a place of haven where you feel the safest? Do you feel afraid to face other people? Are you afraid something specific. Write this fear down and acknowledge that its there. Dont be afraid of it, acknowledge it.

2) now that you recognize the fear. Lets be realistic with it.
Can this fear really hurt you? Can this fear really affect you? Have you actually dealt with this fear before and only now its been bothering you.

3) write down the pros and cons of what this fear is to you
with this list you can really rationalize if this fear is true to take over your life or if its just something that is creating "stress" that you have dealt with before but only now it seems to make you feel uncomfortable

4) now this will be the hardest part. We need to face this fear. Little by little
face the fear, go out with someone you trust, family, fiance etc. Take a walk even if its 5 minutes, but you need to step outside. You have to realize that yes.... It makes you "feel uncomfortable" but it cannot and will not kill you! It is just something that is making you feel junk that is all.

5) while you are facing this fear, dont be afraid to talk it out!
Talk to the fear to yourself or to someone, let it out, be with someone that is willing to listen, tell them how you feel, tell them that it makes you feel junk, but realize that you are not dying, you just need to "get it off your chest"

6) meds, i was very sacred for many years to take the medications, but a doctor that has seen many patience and has gone through schooling recommended it.
Its like a good book, someone that has read it and says its good, so why not try it. You can always stop and when you want, if it doesnt work you can talk to your doctor and explain the symptoms. Your doctors knows you and your body so it should be in the right direction.

Stephanie, take it step by step little by little, dont rush it and be patient. You can do it!!!!!!!

^^^^^^ this

05-21-2014, 09:27 PM
Hey Stephanie, I sorry you have to go through all of this, my first thing to you is, if you can get help try as best as possible. See if you can make a phone appointment with a doctor at first to make it easier. Now, if I can throw in a couple things that have helped me when I was in a similar situation, 1) We need to first address what is going on and what are you fearful of Why are you truly afraid to leave the house. Has your home become a place of haven where you feel the safest? Do you feel afraid to face other people? Are you afraid something specific. Write this fear down and acknowledge that its there. Dont be afraid of it, acknowledge it. 2) Now that you recognize the fear. Lets be realistic with it. Can this fear really hurt you? can this fear really affect you? Have you actually dealt with this fear before and only now its been bothering you. 3) Write down the pros and cons of what this fear is to you With this list you can really rationalize if this fear is true to take over your life or if its just something that is creating "stress" that you have dealt with before but only now it seems to make you feel uncomfortable 4) Now this will be the hardest part. We need to face this fear. Little by little Face the fear, go out with someone you trust, family, Fiance etc. Take a walk even if its 5 minutes, but you need to step outside. You have to realize that yes.... it makes you "feel uncomfortable" but it cannot and will not kill you! It is just something that is making you feel junk that is all. 5) While you are facing this fear, dont be afraid to talk it out! Talk to the fear to yourself or to someone, let it out, be with someone that is willing to listen, tell them how you feel, tell them that it makes you feel junk, but realize that you are not dying, you just need to "get it off your chest" 6) Meds, I was very sacred for many years to take the medications, but a Doctor that has seen many patience and has gone through schooling recommended it. Its like a good book, someone that has read it and says its good, so why not try it. You can always stop and when you want, if it doesnt work you can talk to your doctor and explain the symptoms. Your doctors knows you and your body so it should be in the right direction. Stephanie, take it step by step little by little, Dont rush it and be patient. You can do it!!!!!!!

I must say reading what you wrote
Really gave me some peace of mind (for now)
Damn anxiety

But I really appreciate all your advice
Everything you wrote sounds so helpful
All the steps
An the calling a doctor over the phone
I didn't even think of that you really gave me some great advice
I am literally scared of everything I just think I'm trying so hard to get better over night and I need to understand that that's not going to happen....
My main fear leaving my comfort zone is embarassing myself in public passing out/fainting dying in a car accident because I panic while driving... Peeing in my pants because my nerves make my bladder crazy I can go on an on about all the things that scare me :(
But thankyou thankyou thankyou
You are very helpful
I also forgot to thankyou a couple weeks ago too you sent me some helpful links to some anxiety podcasts

05-22-2014, 02:21 PM
Hey Stephanie, Perfect!!! Ok we are starting somewhere!!!! Now lets talk about some of your fears!

1) Public reaction to passing out or fainting, I was had this too. I didnt know what would happen if I had a panic attack and I fainted or something. Now I asked myself a really serious but oddly funny questions. Have I ever fainted from a panic attack? I never, I had them but I was always conscious and I ended up just sitting down and riding them out, nothing ever embarrassing other than someone coming up and asking if I was ok. More concern than someone judging me and making fun of me. You would be surprised to know that others are willing to help rather than judge =)

2) Fainting and dying in a car accident, This one is a little more serious and will take more "tools" You need to learn how to control your panic attacks, strengthening your defense when these attacks come up, remember the first and foremost is to breath long and deep. Just like when you are sleeping, breath like you are snoring as funny as it sounds that is when you are the most relaxed!

3) Peeing in your pants.... Lets ask the question, Have you ever done that in public before? You dont have to answer that questions but answer it to yourself! You will find that you will laugh a little and realize its no big deal.

So just like we are doing write some of your fears down and rationalize them. That these things that you are fearful are normal many others are fearful of the same. The only difference is that right now mentally you are so sensitive to them you think that it is "catastrophic" but in reality it really is "Normal"!!!!

Hang in there.... its little by little day by day, and step by step. You need to build your tool box slowly! You can do it!!!

05-22-2014, 02:25 PM
PS You are welcome I hope those podcast help!