View Full Version : anticipated anxiety

05-12-2014, 03:29 PM

I've been having this for a while now and it seems it doesn't want to go away.

Yes, I had a panic attack and I was rather anxious when I went on a trip by car or even worse, I went in a salt mine a few hundred meters below earth. I think my enclosed spaces phobia kicked in but I "managed" it, one way or another. I felt tensed and I wanted to go out as fast as possible, yet trying to keep cool cause I was with my friends. In the end, it was good..

But now, something combined will appear and I don't know how to keep my thoughts in leash: I will have to fly for 3 hours. Not scared of flying, even though I haven't flied before, but my fear and anxiety comes from sitting in a confined space without being able to leave at will... at several thousand meters in the air. So there's heights and confined spaces.. Not even there, but I'm scaring myself with this and I bet it won't help much...

Any tips on how can I get over these feelings? The trip is planned on 3-4 weeks from now. Thanks

05-12-2014, 03:44 PM

Here's my suggestion. If you don't already meditate, you might want to learn how. Guided meditation is fantastic and can really help you get through your fear of confined spaces.

I would suggest you practice from now until you go, then put the program on your phone, iPod or MP3 player. Take your headphones with you and play it on the flight if you find yourself getting anxious.

The other thing that will help you from now until then is to redirect your thoughts to something else whenever you find yourself thinking about it. It's not easy to do but very worth while.

Good luck !