View Full Version : New to anxiety / depression, to start Prozac or not

05-12-2014, 02:02 PM
Hello everyone... im 30 years old, grew up in a great family, own my own home, have a good job... everything that would warrant not to be depressed / anxious, but that's not the case anymore. After a failed 6 year long relationship where I was cheated on ended 2 years ago... 6 months ago I finally found "the one" so I thought... we hit it off in November and shortly moved in together. Things were perfect... she was the total opposite of my ex.. has a great job, great work ethic, very responsible, etc.. Her being responsible, having great work ethic, etc... meant that she had a lot of guy friends. I was not used to this, as my ex did not have any guy friends. Bundled with the fact that I was previously cheated on, I have trust issues. Sure just because I couldn't trust my ex does not mean I shouldn't be able to trust my current gf... after all.. she never did anything to earn my distrust. I just couldn't fight off the anxiety of loosing her.

Over time she would get text messages from guys and I would pick and pick at the fact.. which often turned into fights that drove her away more towards her guy friends. In the mean time, I had fell for my current gf so hard, I love her with all my heart, planned on getting engaged at the end of this year. However my anxiety and trust issues have almost totally ruined our relationship. We got into a fight right before her friends wedding and she ended up lieing to me and taking an ex bf to the wedding and lied to me about it saying she took a girlfriend. Which was totally wrong.. she told me that I drove her to do that. We got past that and still were together.. now its to the point that I am so scared to leave her, her family and I are very close, she is just perfect... this is where the depression part is kind of kicking in. At this point, she has basically lost all respect for us and our relationship.. I feel as if she is staying now because its a place to live until she can move on.

She is in the medical field and told me I really need to see a doctor about my anxiety. Here's the thing tho... I really only have anxiety over HER and our relationship. I don't get anxious about money, social situations, etc... its strictly confined to our relationship and loosing her. It seems as this would be a simple fix.... get rid of her and move on, lol.. but I can't.. I love her WAY too much. So I listened to her and went to my family doctor. I told him that this was effecting me, that it was relationship based. I also told him that I cannot focus at work that much anymore because my mind is on our relationship... however when her and I are having a great day.. I have the best days at work and am very productive.. when we fight, she consumes my mind.

Along with the issues above.. I suffer from PE, which has been causing some issues in the relationship also... with all these factored in, he prescribed me 20mg Prozac daily... I got the script filled today but I am scared of taking them. My ex was on strong anti-depressants and I seen the things she dealt with while being on them. I don't have suicidal thoughts, I don't think my life sucks, im not sad about being me....

I always lived by the phrase... "life's tough, wear a helmet"... should I open myself to the world of anti-depressants.. or is this a normal life worry that I need to be strong about and deal with it?



05-12-2014, 04:59 PM
I think you need a therapist to talk to as well as medication. The medication will help with your anxiety and will give your relationship with your gf a better chance. But yikes! You said: At this point, she has basically lost all respect for us and our relationship.. I feel as if she is staying now because its a place to live until she can move on.
That doesn't sound good. You can't even think about marrying her if she has lost all respect for your relationship. A good therapist will help you sort things out.