View Full Version : Weight gain with meds? Advice?

05-12-2014, 01:21 PM
Okay I haven't really gained any weight being on it but I know a few people who have and now I'm obsessing about this (bc that's what we do) and I am going crazy... My docto said it's the pill and what u eat .. So if anyone knows anything that I can do or know from experience id love some feedback to ease my mind ....

05-12-2014, 01:47 PM
I think a lot of it depends on which med you take but there are quite a lot that do seem to cause us to gain weight but if they help you in other ways & then you want to get the weight off, just restrict your eating & try & do a bit of some kind of exercise each day, I know that's not easy when you are not well but simple things can help.
I'm currently fighting this now . I have put on 1stone after 10 months on ad's but I've also been physically unwell & been in bed most of the time , I've also been comfort eating, so I do not think it's simply the anti depressant that causes the gain , it's our frame of mind, our daily life & eating habits . I'm hoping to loose the stone in a slow & sensible way , . My mother is on anti depressants & hasn't gains anything .
Good luck & if you need them have them (weight is easily changed when you feel up to it) xx

05-14-2014, 06:01 PM
I started back on citalopram (celexa) about 2 months ago and have noticed some weight gain. Not too much, maybe a couple of pounds. But realistically for me, the benefits of taking the medication are far better than any side effect I've experienced so far

05-14-2014, 06:05 PM
when we are on meds, the anxiety level is lower or not existing , so we eat. A stone will not hurt you but depression will

05-15-2014, 03:25 AM
I'm now on a mission to try & get this stone off but stay on my medication & it's true when our anxiety is less we tend to eat more without even noticing & if we are still feeling depression we move about less & have less energy , put together & it creeps on . Yes I'm upset I've gained a stone as I am allready overweight for my height & nothing fits BUT I know I've got the power to loose it again if I try hard & don't give in. Weight gain can be fixed , your crippling anxiety is more important . Jessy x

05-15-2014, 07:55 AM
Jessy what do you do to lose the stone, share please, I would like to shake off my stones too:))

05-21-2014, 03:34 PM
I did go to a gym but can't afford ATM so I'm going to walk /jog or go on my exercise bike for 30min per day, cut back on the snacks & wine & if I can get the courage up I will join a spinning class , that's if I can overcome my social
anxiety . So far my motivation is nil because I'm so so fatigued & drained. Untill I can exercise I'm just going to cut down my eating & drinking the best I can & if we go out for a meal or get take out choose the healthy option. There are no quick fixes . It sneaks on fast but it's hell to get it off again ,1lb a week is a good aim & I'm not going to keep upsetting myself with the scales . I'll get them out again in a couple of months when I can tell I've lost . I need to loose more than a stone but 1 stone will do me . To be my ideal weight I need to loose 2 & a half but I just cant see me attaining that at this point in my life .
This is the biggest I've ever been even more than during both my pregnancies & I feel
very down & unhappy about it . I did so well last year then anxiety struck & physical ilness & I undid all my hard work :-(
What about you , how much do you want to loose ? X