View Full Version : What my wife said

05-12-2014, 10:07 AM
My wife said that my biggest problems are:

1. I am cranky a lot of the time
2. I just get mad with her and the kids
3. Never present in the moment (mind elsewhere)
4. Not focused
5. Impatient

Anyone else feel these things or know a loved one who deals with these things? Because I have been prescribed Cymbalta and afraid to start it.

05-12-2014, 10:45 AM
Well, I have a temper when I don't take my medication, that's for sure. I'm agreeable and nice when I do take it. Some of your symptoms do sound like ADHD (not focused) and some sound like anxiety. I think you need to bite the bullet and just give the Cymbalta a try. Today I took a Wellbutrin after ONE YEAR of being afraid. The pharmacist convinced me. She said, "just take one round", meaning one month's supply. So far, I'm fine and nothing bad has happened. Although these medication may require some patience to decrease and get off them, if they don't make your life better, you can taper off and get off. This is one month of your life to see if your life/relationships improve. Either things will be better for you, or you go off it after giving it a try and you'll at least know if the Cymbalta helps or not.

05-12-2014, 11:06 AM
Well, I have a temper when I don't take my medication, that's for sure. I'm agreeable and nice when I do take it. Some of your symptoms do sound like ADHD (not focused) and some sound like anxiety. I think you need to bite the bullet and just give the Cymbalta a try. Today I took a Wellbutrin after ONE YEAR of being afraid. The pharmacist convinced me. She said, "just take one round", meaning one month's supply. So far, I'm fine and nothing bad has happened. Although these medication may require some patience to decrease and get off them, if they don't make your life better, you can taper off and get off. This is one month of your life to see if your life/relationships improve. Either things will be better for you, or you go off it after giving it a try and you'll at least know if the Cymbalta helps or not.

I know...my doctors have told me cymbalta is generally well-tolerated, but I just hear so many horror stories on forums about withdrawal effects and sexual effects...I guess I am scared. I've posted about 5 different posts in one way or another here asking for advice/reassurance...time I guess to make a decision...

05-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Oban do not listen horror stories.
I am on clonazepam for over 8 months and I do not take it on weekends, sometimes I forget to take it on weekdays too. No withdrawal effect at all. My hubby was on cymbalta and clonazepam and there was no horror when he stopped it.
I have no idea why people trying to scared others. There is a rule you go slowly from the lowest dose and you go off slowly too. Sometimes reading forum does not help.

Some of men have problem urinating it takes longer when you start Cymbalta. Sex it takes longer to finish for guys so their woman are happy :)))

05-12-2014, 05:14 PM
You won't know unless you give it a shot and you are doing so under the care of a professional. Nothing will change if you do nothing. I'm scared of meds too but going back to my doc this week to get help for my anxiety and if he prescribes something I will try it because I can't imagine feeling like this all the time.

05-12-2014, 09:49 PM
Oban do not listen horror stories. I am on clonazepam for over 8 months and I do not take it on weekends, sometimes I forget to take it on weekdays too. No withdrawal effect at all. My hubby was on cymbalta and clonazepam and there was no horror when he stopped it. I have no idea why people trying to scared others. There is a rule you go slowly from the lowest dose and you go off slowly too. Sometimes reading forum does not help. Some of men have problem urinating it takes longer when you start Cymbalta. Sex it takes longer to finish for guys so their woman are happy :)))

Sex took infinity for me most of the time. It was frustrating mentally......physically I didn't feel empty so to speak or the need to finish. And my wife was not pleased at 20-30 minutes of non stop sex....women get sore...LOL. So what I am trying to say is......everyone is different ... My experience may not be yours.......but to blindly say it doesn't happen to people is setting people up for surprises that they may not be ready for. I prefer to know what I am fighting with or against.......but that's me. Carry on... :)

05-13-2014, 07:46 AM
Thinking on what I said earlier. Meds definetly have their place and for some it is a long term possibility..... If you know what the possible downsides may be and weigh them out with the positives... You will know and accept some of the downsides if you go into it with a positive attitude and knowing that this may not be forever. All I was trying to get across was that the meds itself is only part of the solution.... Work must be done through therapy as well with a good CBT that will help you find the root cause if possible. Have a great day everyone !!

05-13-2014, 11:40 AM
what your wife said seems to perfectly describe you and me. i really couldn't tell if i'm just a mean person or if theres something actually wrong with me because sometimes no matter how hard i try, these feelings come out of nowhere and are hard to control. i'm 18 years old so maybe it's just apart of a teenager and her hormones but i think my anxiety is just really bad at times and after being really stressed out it's hard for me to remain calm, cool and collected no matter how hard i try.