View Full Version : Inappropriate laughter

05-11-2014, 04:01 PM
I laugh uncontrollably about nothing sometimes and at the most inappropriate times. Is this a symptom of anxiety?

05-11-2014, 04:07 PM
It's a sign of nervousness so yeah I reckon it could go hand in hand with anxiety.
I'm terrible for it too :-/

05-11-2014, 04:17 PM
It's a sign of nervousness so yeah I reckon it could go hand in hand with anxiety.
I'm terrible for it too :-/

Thanks- it's really embarrassing...I started laughing in the checkout line at a shoe store yesterday. A lady in front of me turned around. Even at a serious time like disciplining the kids it happens...do you think cymbalta will help for this, I mean make me feel more balanced?

05-11-2014, 04:21 PM
Oh when I was in my early twenties, my good friend's mom passed away, having her second child. We all went to funeral to support him, he was our friend. I looked at here in the coffin and I could not laugh, I was trying to suppress it and I could not. I had to leave the church. What a nightmare, I had never forgot it. I felt so bad, and never talked about it with anyone. Of course I was suffering with anxiety already.
I Advice you to talk about it with someone, therapist, maybe doc. It must be sign of something.
BTw I got awful depression after the funeral. I had to go on meds..........

05-11-2014, 04:27 PM
Yeah I agree with everything dahlia said perhaps CBT might help you it might be worth looking into. Your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction. Im not sure if meds will help.

For me I've never really let it bother me much I can remember laughing hysterically after a car crash I was in when I was about 12 and I think it started then. I think with having anxiety/depression our emotions sometimes get confused.

05-11-2014, 09:03 PM
I found this:
Anxiety disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Most of us are familiar with the most common symptoms of anxiety. Palpitations and chest discomfort often accompany a feeling of breathlessness. Sweaty palms, trembling and weakness is also standard. The feeling of impending doom is another common symptom of panic disorder and anxiety in general. This is the, "what if"? skipping recorded that sometimes plays over and over in the sufferers mind. "What if I can't breath"? "What if my car goes off the road"? "What if my legs don't hold me up"? Halting the "what if" thoughts are a good behavior modification tool to head off an anxiety attack.

Now, I have a "what if"? for you myself. "What if you were at a funeral home and just as you approach the casket you collapse into a fit of laughter"? Seriously, this can happen and sometimes does. Hysterical laughter can be a symptom of anxiety and it usually occurs at the most inappropriate times. It is not necessarily a personality disorder trait. It can be solely a part of the persons anxiety response. A person that experiences these attacks in truth do not find anything funny at all. When they are able to finally get themselves under control they are often exhausted and embarrassed. These episodes cause the sufferer to be misunderstood and sometimes interferes with work and relationships.

05-11-2014, 09:04 PM
Before I took the right medication and got under control, I had a fear of going to a funeral because I was afraid I might laugh which is totally inappropriate. My therapist said that is very common with people who have anxiety, a fear they will act inappropriately.

05-12-2014, 07:33 AM
Thanks Anne, i am deeply caring person, sensitive to other's pain and I was devastated cause the laughter. I felt so vulnerable, I could not stop. So many years passed and I still remember ,,,,,