View Full Version : Idk what is going on..

05-11-2014, 02:06 PM
So I've been on Paxil for over two months now, almost 3.. The past couple days I've been having a little anxiety & today, my whole body keeps twitching. I experienced the twitching when I first started Paxil.

My monthly friend should be here anytime. Not sure if that's why??

& also, I've been taking 2 20mgs of my Paxil making it 40mgs & I ran out so now my Dr called in a bottle of 40mgs. So now I only have to take one pill.. Is there a difference between the x2 20mgs & x1 40mgs??

I'm just sure why else I would feel like this again.. Everything anxiety wise has been totally good..

05-11-2014, 04:17 PM
Hi Brooke

My anxiety always plays up at that time of the month I suppose it always has just with the anxiety it makes us more aware of the changes going on.
2x 20 should be the same as x1 40 but if you feel you don't need the full dose, half the tablet.


05-11-2014, 05:00 PM
Hi Brooke My anxiety always plays up at that time of the month I suppose it always has just with the anxiety it makes us more aware of the changes going on. 2x 20 should be the same as x1 40 but if you feel you don't need the full dose, half the tablet. Hannah

Thank you Hannah :) I'll let this play out until my time of the month is over & see if it goes away then.

05-11-2014, 06:22 PM
I would be careful about upping so quickly on Paxil. It won't necessarily hurt you .....but if it's to numb the feelings you have now....it may be time to take a step back and ask yourself why you need to double up the med. Tackle the reason and use the Paxil as a bridge to an end and not as the primary source of comfort. Hope things get better for you ! I am not a fan of lifetime use of these drugs as they can really mess your brain up over years and years. My Physcologist told me memory loss is a biggie with ssri's and I didn't want to have the memory loss capacity of a 80 something year old in my 40s. Think bridge to a resolution and not lifetime use. Thinking of you ..., :)


05-11-2014, 06:42 PM
I would be careful about upping so quickly on Paxil. It won't necessarily hurt you .....but if it's to numb the feelings you have now....it may be time to take a step back and ask yourself why you need to double up the med. Tackle the reason and use the Paxil as a bridge to an end and not as the primary source of comfort. Hope things get better for you ! I am not a fan of lifetime use of these drugs as they can really mess your brain up over years and years. My Physcologist told me memory loss is a biggie with ssri's and I didn't want to have the memory loss capacity of a 80 something year old in my 40s. Think bridge to a resolution and not lifetime use. Thinking of you ..., :) David

I've been on 40mgs for a while now. About a month I think.

Thank you for all the advice :)

05-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Hey whats happening? Paxil 40 was were I was at before I got off. If you do decide for some reason to go back to 20 or cut back in any way get ready for the weirdest withdraw. You don't really get sick but you get these things I always called brain zaps. And once you realize what it is and it's not going to kill you but its more of a pain in the ass it's easier to get off. Now I was on paxil for 13 years and you will still have an occasional day or few here and there that are Effie but your still better overall than when you were not on it at all. Best to talk to Doc. befor making that decision. You have not been on it too long have you? How have you been feeling up to today?

05-11-2014, 07:27 PM
Hey whats happening? Paxil 40 was were I was at before I got off. If you do decide for some reason to go back to 20 or cut back in any way get ready for the weirdest withdraw. You don't really get sick but you get these things I always called brain zaps. And once you realize what it is and it's not going to kill you but its more of a pain in the ass it's easier to get off. Now I was on paxil for 13 years and you will still have an occasional day or few here and there that are Effie but your still better overall than when you were not on it at all. Best to talk to Doc. befor making that decision. You have not been on it too long have you? How have you been feeling up to today?

I'm not sure if I wanna cut back.. Idk what to do really yet. Lol I go see my Dr June 5..

I've been on it almost 3 months.

I've been awesome. Then all of a sudden, I get a little anxiety. More of like my heart starts pounding when I go to relax. It's just weird I've been doing great & all of a sudden I'm feeling off..

05-11-2014, 07:42 PM
I still kept my xanax with me for those times that I started those panic symptoms. I was not suggesting that you cut back especially if you have been feeling ok. Just wanted to let you know that you will still have a few "off " days and they will pass. You will know when it's time to cut back and or quit. You doing well ( beauty school and all that ) so please continue.

05-11-2014, 07:52 PM
I still kept my xanax with me for those times that I started those panic symptoms. I was not suggesting that you cut back especially if you have been feeling ok. Just wanted to let you know that you will still have a few "off " days and they will pass. You will know when it's time to cut back and or quit. You doing well ( beauty school and all that ) so please continue.

I still have xanax too but for some reason, I don't take it.. I just tell myself the weird feeling will go away & I can wait it out. Idk why I don't take it anymore.

Blahhhhhhh. I don't know what's going on lol.

05-11-2014, 08:02 PM
Hey brooke didn't you say that your relationship was taking a break that could be where the sudden anxiety is coming from.

I'm sure you will be fine, a little twitching is no reason to increase the medication. This is a very minor blip with the anxiety, don't give it attention it doesn't deserve :)

05-11-2014, 08:08 PM
Hey brooke didn't you say that your relationship was taking a break that could be where the sudden anxiety is coming from. I'm sure you will be fine, a little twitching is no reason to increase the medication. This is a very minor blip with the anxiety, don't give it attention it doesn't deserve :)

Yeaaaaa.. That could be the result of this!!

But you're right, I need to ignore it.. Thank you

05-11-2014, 08:10 PM
If you do not need to take the Xanax thats great. Just give it some time, tomorrow is a new day.

05-11-2014, 08:43 PM
Not trying to tell you what to do.....if your okay with 40mg...that's great. :) I must have been a lightweight....because my personality changed at 20mg.....I didn't give a rats ass about anything and my sex drive next to zero and didn't care about that either. Being married and being a horny guy beforehand was very depressing to me as well as having a penis that didn't work well either. Lol. Hang in there......I was just stating kind of what Ritch was saying........there are reasons for spiking anxiety....you need to work them out....it takes time and if you want to get better without Meds down the road...it is necessary to do..... Your a strong girl.....and smart......I am in your corner !


05-11-2014, 08:45 PM
Also.....being med free here......I have had my bumps and sometimes craters in the road......I worked through them and over time things leveled out again..... :)