View Full Version : discovery

05-11-2014, 01:52 PM

A difficult start in life has left me with far too many unwanted emotional issues. The medical profession who, other than prescribing medication, have not been able to help has worsened this. A couple of years ago a psychiatrist told me that I had better get used to my terror nightmares because there was nothing that could be done. Life became very dark and I couldn’t see a way out. Not wanting anymore suffering I decided to ignore the established medical advice and find an answer.

Today I can proudly say that I have been nightmare free for over six months and I am on my way to being in control of my panic attacks. I didn't wait for time to heal me. I used some creative thinking to find a way to quickly determine the cause of my emotional issue. Encouraged, I used more creative thinking and found a way to quickly reduce its strength. Using these two techniques I was able to rid myself of my night terrors overnight. I am currently experiencing a level of inner peace that, at one time, I never thought possible.

I want to share my discoveries with others; however I don’t want this post too large so if you send me a private message I’ll let you know more. Just so you know I am not a crank looking for money or to humiliate anyone. I genuinely want to help people realise there is hope even when it feels like there aren’t any.
I wish everyone on here all the best.
