View Full Version : Anxiety about moving?

05-09-2014, 08:33 AM
Want to keep it short, but basically me and my live-in boyfriend (from the UK) live in Sweden and we might have to move UK for a year or two, to sort some stuff out. I'll be moving too seeing as my boyfriend is the only one keeping my anxiety leves somewhat low, so I can't stay in Sweden on my own for that long. And now I'm just really anxious over it, being in a different country, no where near my parents etc. Gah! Any advice??

05-09-2014, 08:49 AM
Be brave, listen i was nervious too. Years ago I went to Spain to wait for status as Canadian Landed Immigrant. My daughter was ten and son 7 , no Spanish at all. My husband was there a year working and learning language. I even considered to stay in spain but Corrida just killed the idea.
I learned Spanish then came time to move to Canada; no language, two children, and one German Boxer, born in my house in Poland. It was awful I regreted coming here instead of staying in europe, where nothing was strange and different......... It is already 23 years i am here, as you see I learned some language, enough to post on forum :)
Are you feeling better?
Oh I got divorced to my ex in here and raised my children alone. I am dealing with anxiety and depression from early years well, before I had my children :) You are going to be ok, I promise. If not lets switch, I will go to UK and you come here:)

05-09-2014, 09:49 AM
Thank you for you kind words! Luckily language wont be a problem for me, amd there are no kids imvolved, so thats good. It's just a whole new environment, what if I need to see a doctor? Get medication? Argh!

05-09-2014, 11:53 AM
I would go to doc and tell him about situation. I am carrying Ativan in my purse, just in case, my safety blanket:) 8 months i had not have panic attack, but i am on other meds too. Maybe you need something just in case:) Good luck and face your fear. It is going to be easier than you think:))

05-09-2014, 05:15 PM
Omg yes felle move here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!