View Full Version : Anyone else like me??

05-08-2014, 09:36 AM
Hi iv been suffering from anxiety for years but lately it has seemed to get worse. I don't even know what I'm anxious about. Fell sick every single day. Then that leads to me worrying about getting a bug or food poisoning. I go all panicky and feel like like im going to freak out. I'm scared of being on my own. Some times it gets that bad I just want to cry my self to sleep. I'v stopped eating meat so that I would stop thinking I was going to get food poisoning. Anyone else suffer from this?? :-(

05-08-2014, 07:52 PM
Most people here are or have gone through something similar.

Its just an irrational fear. It really doesn't matter what your fear is. They are overcome the same way.

Your fears are your own but anxiety is based on fear without the presence of any real danger.

Learn about anxiety all you can. This forum is a great resource.

Anxiety can be managed almost like it doesn't exist.

Just takes a bit of time, patience and education

I hope you find your way quickly

05-08-2014, 08:03 PM
Hi L85 and welcome,
Yes anxiety sometimes decides to spike up for some reason or another maybe something stressful or an illness. Why do you think that you will get food poisoning from eating meat? Cooked properly you are less likely to get it from meat as opposed to eating raw veggies that are not handled correctly.
Relax and please never hesitate to ask a questions. Oh Yea, I will not eat any lettuce from a salad bar type place do to a lettuce encounter that left me hugging the porcelain throne for two hours straight NON STOP. Now I wash my own lettuce at home and I do have a salad if it's a better restaurant. Sorry to ramble.

05-09-2014, 12:33 AM
Even reading that you were throwing up made my anixety worse for a moment that's what happens if any 1 mentions sickness or bugs etc then I feel ill. It's really getting me down now. I feel like I always need my hubby to be there incase I'm ill. First thing I think about when I open my dyes in the morning is... how do I feel

05-09-2014, 04:28 AM
Hi L85,
Sorry I did not mean to do that to you, I was just trying to let you know that you are not alone. Have you had a chance to read through some of this forum yet? I think you shoild check out Fourteen14"s thread on Health anxiety exposed, it's helpful. Good luck and never hesitate to ask a question.