View Full Version : Anxiety... one hella crazy ride...

05-07-2014, 07:41 PM
Hey guys

It's kind of crazy what anxiety do and how our mind works. Still, to this day, I ask myself... was it all from anxiety?

To quickly summarize it all up, I didn't and I don't have "true" anxiety. I just felt how it was at its worst. After smoking laced weed, having a panic attack, hallucinations, derealization/depersonalization and lots of other sh*t, I got my anxiety. Still to this day, I can't forget that moment. Now, my anxiety was brought up my this. I wasn't an anxious person before. I wasn't "emotional". Cause that's what anxiety is, thinking with your feelings. Irrational.

It was the worst 5 months of my life. My first mental "challenge". Now, afterwards, I can say it's a good thing I got it. I'm thankful. A barrier in my life that only made me stronger.

There's alot of methods and different ways to counter this. But to me, it all comes down to one thing; stop caring about it. I'm more afraid of not being able to live life properly than anxiety itself, if that makes sense. Don't make this a lifestyle.

Don't lose hope guys. Learn to say f*ck it. Don't say "why me" - say "try me".

The only thing that still makes me think of my anxiety is this forum and that is why I think it's time to say good bye. For real this time lol. You've helped me more than enough. I might be back sometime in the future. Cya peeps! :)


05-08-2014, 05:23 AM
Hi elias

Sorry to see you go on here, but I understand your reasons too.
It's so nice to no you are doing better now though.
I wish you well in your future and thanks for your help on here :-)
