View Full Version : Weird Sensation

05-07-2014, 10:53 AM
I have had a ton of occasions where my muscles twitch, is that normal? It could be anywhere, in my chest, stomach, legs, ect.

Also, last night I had this weird sensation come over me. It was like I was burning, or got really hot all of a sudden. It started in my head, and somehow I managed to stop it as it went lower with breathing. Normally when I get this it feels like my heart stops. But last night, my heart was beating happily. It was so weird.

05-07-2014, 11:06 AM
I think this is due to stress and anxiety. Just wondering if anyone else has felt these sensations before.

05-07-2014, 11:11 AM
Certainly sounds like anxiety/panic attack.

The sensation of feeling like your heart stopping is simply the palpitations (anxiety) subsiding as in the heart beats go from pounding (through anxiety) to unnoticeable (normal) if it had stopped altogether you wouldn't be on the forum right now) :)

And yes, muscle twitches are your bodies way of telling you that your nervous system on override, perfectly harmless, just pretty annoying.