View Full Version : Wave of depression

05-06-2014, 10:04 PM
So I've been doing pretty good lately, I'm going back to therapy and had my first appointment last week with another one in a few days. I've had anxiety and depression for a long time. My earliest memories of being depressed were about age 12 or 13. I've noticed in the last 6 months maybe more that I can have a good day and with no warning I'll just slide into a really depressed mood sometimes for no reason at times. In fact to be honest that's currently what I'm experiencing, had a fairly decent day but I can feel this wave of depression slowly overtaking me. Part of me is scared that somehow this could be a mild version of bipolar.
I don't think I'm manic,however I'm not even 100% sure what symptoms even qualify as manic. I have however had times where I have been in a great mood and felt overwhelming energetic or hyper.
I'm not quite sure what to think naturally as someone with anxiety I'm a worrier and one of the things that I "worry" about is health related concerns. I'm one of those people that tries to avoid online medical websites when I'm sick because my brain automatically goes to the worse cast scenario.
I'm pretty much open to anything right now in terms of advice. If anyone has any ideas on how I could control the symptoms better or coping mechanisms I would totally appreciate it. The anxiety and depression are kind of feeding off of each other right now so the hope is if I can reduce the symptoms of one maybe the other will improve too.

06-13-2014, 12:08 PM
Wow. I used to describe my depression as waves too. It's wild and no one understood. When I was under a wave I would remind myself what it feels like when I'm on the other side of that wave. It could take minutes or hours, but I'd just remember what the other side feels like and wait to get there. Sometimes I'd text someone just drowning in this wave and once they got a chance to reply it's like "oh i'm better now." Certainly makes you feel bipolar. I'd get anticipatory anxiety too where I'd worry about not being busy enough or being too alone on a certain day and I'd just worry and worry about how I'd feel when that time came. I don't believe I'm bipolar unless it's a very mild form. But I also have random powerful happiness and energy, singing as loud as I can while driving in my car, and it just seems so out of no where. I started on prozac last year and I was told if I were bipolar it would make manic stages go through the roof because the prozac keeps your serotonin (happy) levels up for longer periods of time. The first month or so I was on it, it did make my happy times extra happy, like just silly giggling at anything, I had to control my smiles to not look like a weirdo, but then it all seemed to balance out and I've been pretty level for 6 months or so. Update us on how you're doing.