View Full Version : Need Quick Support (anxiety/panic/depression)

05-06-2014, 01:42 PM
Hi all. I am new here and in need of some help or advice of people who suffer the same as me.
From January i hav suffered severe anxiety and panic attaks, they came from no where, called ambulancr numerous times had all blood tests ecgs all OK. Beginning of april i started to feel not real and lost, in myself, i had 48 hour monitor also and week later results came back fine perfect. This made my anxiety drop loads to the point i haven had panic attak since, however i have developed serious case of derealisation, but im not sure if it is this, i have returned to work And slowy back to normall being happy and facing fears, but stil have this strong feelin of not feeling real or like everythinks a dream, its scary but i tend to deal with it but its always on my mind.

My question is, is this because of my past few months why i now feel like this? I also get palpatations and head tingles. I always think whats point in life and have no emotion or feeling towards anyone or anythink however im not suicidal at all and dont wanna hurt myself in anyway. Whats happenin to me? I need answers asap :( thanks all

05-06-2014, 02:09 PM
Sever anxiety attacks can take a toll on the mind and body. It impacts people in different ways. Your body is probably still recuperating from the sever anxiety and as you continue to overcome it the more better you will feel. I hope this helps.

05-07-2014, 02:41 AM
Sever anxiety attacks can take a toll on the mind and body. It impacts people in different ways. Your body is probably still recuperating from the sever anxiety and as you continue to overcome it the more better you will feel. I hope this helps.

Thanks, makes me feel abit better, its wierd feeling as im happy and still go out, face fears and never panic anymore but do worry still abit but i forget about it, yet still have these wierd feelings of not being real anymore, when reality starts to come back i get an excited feelin which makes my body tingle then after few hours go back to not real...? :(

05-07-2014, 03:02 AM
My question is, is this because of my past few months why i now feel like this? I also get palpatations and head tingles. I always think whats point in life and have no emotion or feeling towards anyone or anythink however im not suicidal at all and dont wanna hurt myself in anyway. Whats happenin to me? I need answers asap :( thanks all
Answering these questions will not provide a big benefit for you. The only one question you should ask is "What should I do with it".