View Full Version : CRAZY about STD Phobias

05-05-2014, 07:02 PM
On 15 April I had sex with a possible girlfriend( I don't know yet) I had protected but it broke 2 times..different times of sex, after I had sex with her and she left I got a sense of dread and I proceed to be seen by my doctor for PEP(she didn't give it to me on the 16th) So I went to the emergency room on the 17 and asked for it...they gave it to me(I am freaking out cause I have taken this religiously and when I counted them, there is a pill left after my 28 days supply, **** more paranoia) I started talking to her and she made me feel at ease cause she said she would do a test for me. On the 22 of April exactly one week after the deed, we went to planned parenthood and we both got tested for HIV with the Unigold Rapid Test Kit, both were negative( I am thinking that the tech did not do the test right, again more paranoia) I asked her when was the last time she had sex with anybody and she said that she had sex with her boyfriend in January(one time and apparently she made him use a comdom, yeah right, I don't believe woman) I am now thinking I might have gotten something....I am really thinking about going to a psych ward and commiting myself. I have not gotten a good night sleep in the past 3 weeks, I am freaking out...do I have to worry about something...I have posted excessively and they have banned me for my excessive posting..they say I did not have exposure....I think about my mortality right now....I have even decided to go back to school and be a Bio Engineer, Help please...some get me off this crazy train?

05-05-2014, 08:43 PM
You have got to see a good doctor as soon as you can and go over all the facts. That's what I do because I worry so much.
The doctor could tell you what is what and then go from there. I think a medical doctor could help a lot so start there.

05-05-2014, 09:50 PM
I agree with anne, with how you describe your current state I would go see a doctor for another test so that this can ease your mind and also so you can be given advice on your current mental state as you do appear to be acutely distressed.

What I will say is that the test they did came back negative so that is a good thing. Also what you are describing are anxious not paranoid thoughts, that is also a good thing.

05-05-2014, 11:46 PM
I have been having this anxiety issues since I got divorce from my wife almost 2 years ago...I always assume that my possible GF are sick, so I really don't know anymore....I am paranoid about catching something...and also about women and a whole bunch of mileu of things....I have not gotten a good night sleep in almost 4 weeks now...my doctor is a twit because she would not give me pep when I asked her too....I mean PEP in theory is suppose to stop the spread of HIV in 24 hour period...this stupid person would not give it to me....what kind of shit is that...stupid...she said you don't have it..she was playing a statistic game..her license should be removed you know..