View Full Version : confused HELP

05-16-2008, 07:33 PM
alright first of all im new to all of this. about a month ago i felt normal when all of a sudden i felt completely depressed. i didnt want to do any of my normal activities and when i was alone i felt horribly lonely and would cry for no reason what so ever. this went on for about three days when i finally decided to tell my parents. i felt so scared and alone that i didnt know what else to do. we went to the doctors and i felt completely pessimistic that anything could change how i felt. my doctor said i may have anxiety which actually brought me relief because all i wanted was a real diagnosis. every day since then my life has seemed a bit off. i cant stop worrying. the thing that scares me is that im not even worrying about anything in particular. probaly every other day im looking up different disorders to figure out what is wrong with me. i came across disorders like gernalized anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder but when i look at the symptoms it appears that i dont fit into that category. i guess the big question is "IS THIS ALL IN MY HEAD???". if i am in fact a hypochondriac which could be the case, im afraid that the rest of my life from 20 years old until i die is going to be ruined because of this fear. some days i feel completely fine and when im with my friends i feel completely normal until i stop and think that something could be wrong with me mentally. if your reading this and you can relate to my situation PLEASE give me some input. my screen name for AOL Instant Messager is enjoiky. its been over a month and im scared that this worrying will never end.

05-17-2008, 08:33 PM
Ok. This might need to be discussed with a psychologist. Some times an event happens in your life that you can be completey unaware of that is bothering you to the point where it subconsciously stresses you out to worry about stuff, feel lonely and feel blah all the time. Strange enough some people can work this out and with help identify the things that are bothering them. And in some cases once you identify them you can deal with it and be completely free of this feeling. Can be that easy but doesn't happen in one session.

Then it could also be just over thinking about fear and worring about it makes it stronger and so on with anxiety. I would still talk to a psychologist and see if they can help you.

Lastly if you make no progress you personally feel you can't handle things can medicate. But I feel it should be your choice what ever you do. I would not recommend medicating as your first choice since you might be able to identify a cause (stress) and work through it. Stress can cause you to react to things you never thought you would. You might not even know you are thinking about the stress. Your brain files it away but keep looking at it. Stress is bad, some people make their own stress too.

But talking about it with people that care about you is the first thing to do. psychologist are cool. I would love one if my insurance paid for it. :)