View Full Version : Doing Better but still having slight worries

05-05-2014, 10:59 AM
I have been tAking Zoloft for a few months now. I have been doing better....getting out more and feeling more like how I used to be before anxiety. ....

I did alot of running around and some yard work yesterday. Last night I got a weird ache deep in my thigh. It wasn't consistent, just if I moved my leg a certain way...and not even when I pressed on it or walked around on it. Somehow I got the idea of blood clots in my head....and now I keep thinking about it every now and again. This morning, the pain is gone but my leg and foot feels kind of numb and tingly. I keep trying to convince myself that it's just a pinched nerve or something....but I keep coming back to blood clots. Since being on zoloft the intrusive thoughts haven't been so overwhelming...but sometimes they are still hard to kick.

05-05-2014, 11:09 AM
I have been tAking Zoloft for a few months now. I have been doing better....getting out more and feeling more like how I used to be before anxiety. ....

I did alot of running around and some yard work yesterday. Last night I got a weird ache deep in my thigh. It wasn't consistent, just if I moved my leg a certain way...and not even when I pressed on it or walked around on it. Somehow I got the idea of blood clots in my head....and now I keep thinking about it every now and again. This morning, the pain is gone but my leg and foot feels kind of numb and tingly. I keep trying to convince myself that it's just a pinched nerve or something....but I keep coming back to blood clots. Since being on zoloft the intrusive thoughts haven't been so overwhelming...but sometimes they are still hard to kick.

I used to struggle with hypochondria pretty badly, but now my anxiety manifests in different ways. I think if you had blood clots, the pain would not go away. It would be consistent. I'm not a doctor but it sounds like a muscular thing, or perhaps some nerve damage since you were active the other day. If it continues to hurt, or worry you, there is no shame in swinging by a walk-in clinic to calm your nerves until that Zoloft starts to kick in for you. I will say this though - stay far, far away from medical websites like WebMD, etc.! For every reassuring post you find, there will be one that makes you even more terrified.

I've been taking Zoloft for years, and oh my goodness, it is a life saver. My friends and family say that they notice a distinct difference in the way I behave on Zoloft, and off. Once it kicks in, you will feel like a different person in a good way.\

Hang in there! You will start to feel much better soon, I'm sure of it!

05-05-2014, 12:30 PM
Blood clots is something i constantly think about aswel hun bt i think ur fine just from doin the exercise dvts tend to start in the calf.

Check ur thigh if it isnt warm to touch or red ur fine :)

05-05-2014, 12:49 PM
I get a pain in my rib and straight away think its a blood clot in my lung.

Our minds are funny things

05-05-2014, 12:52 PM
No...it isn't red or warm to the touch just still feels a little crampy in the thigh area and a little bit numb in the foot.....there is no excessive swelling just the weird achy feeling.....thanks for the reminder that clots typically start in the calf....I haven't felt anything in my calf muscle at all......and I have NOT been going to the medical websites.....lol....I know how that can lead an anxious mind down the wrong road.

The Zoloft is definitely helping as I am not as totally freaked out as I normally would be....but the thoughts are still lingering around in my head.

I didnt really do exercises yesterday. ...but just alot of walking around the past few days and then yard work yesterday Kneeling down....planting flowers, etc.....

05-05-2014, 12:59 PM
Just a pulled muscle from all the walkin and that ur fine :)

Im glad the tablets are helpin u out massively :D

05-05-2014, 01:11 PM
One of the things that helped me overcome hypochondria was just the slow realization over time that our bodies tend to have weird aches and pains from time to time, and sometimes for no clear reason. I've wasted literally thousands of dollars on doctor bills, only to find out that I'm in perfect health.

Now if only I could find some kind of philosophy to help me overcome my current anxiety! Lol!

05-05-2014, 01:52 PM
Hi trini :-)

I'm so pleased you have been doing better.
Blood clots is a major thing for me too. I think I have convinced myself about a 100 times I have had one and never have lol.

Everything everyone has said is spot on they do usually start in your calf and look red and the pain would be constant.
It's great you kept away from google I no how tempting it can be to look when a new symptom comes.


05-06-2014, 06:50 AM
Hi Hannah!

Yes I have been feeling much better....even my family says that I have been looking and acting much better too. I definitely have had so much more energy to get out of my house and do more. I think along with the Zoloft, the positive change in weather has helped. I still get these silly nagging feelings from time to time though. It has taken everything in me not to go to Google....but it is still tough in any sense....I think my leg is feeling a little better this morning. Im continuing to keep it elevated and I will put some more heat on it later this morning. It still is swollen a bit, but not hurting as much as yesterday. ...so I feel like we are moving in the right direction.

Thanks to each one of you......it helps to hear others put it in perspective. ....I guess if it was indeed a clot, I would be in severe pain...which I am not.

05-06-2014, 09:52 AM
Ladies and gentleman, blood clot is something that does not appear without the reason for it. My husband was immobile for two or three months, and he got deep vein thrombosis for a long time, still have it. He had 4 major operation on his legs, and it was to be expected. When you have a blood clot it is soo painful and the area around is swollen and red. You would know that. Trini I have a pinched nerves cause my few bulging disks and Pain comes and goes, showing in different areas on lower body; hip, legs, numbness, and excetera
I am sure you do not have it. Meditate and do body scan, it helps for a chronic pain:))

05-06-2014, 10:16 AM
Hi trini I'm so pleased you are feeling happier you deserve it :-)
I agree the sunshine always makes me feel loads better and makes me want to get out and enjoy it or makes me want to spring clean with the music full blast hehe :-)
I think the silly thoughts are always there lurking and waiting but we've had them before and no how to control them.
I pleased your leg is feeling better I no it's sore but try and walk around as much as possible too as sometimes that can help.

I must agree with dahlia and I never thought I would but meditation is great it's something I never thought I would try and it was so weird and still is but I'm getting used to it and sleeping so much better.
Also thanks dahlia I'm sorry your hubby went through that but your words are reassuring as sometimes we just see the one symptom and accept that as proof of something deadly.

Keep up the good work though trini :-)

05-06-2014, 10:35 AM

Hello, my friend! Yes, I am now allowing the logical side of my brain take over and realizing that most likely I would know if I had a clot due to extreme pain and redness...neither of which I have. I think it is just so easy to get scared and let the nonsense thoughts seep through. Ive been so much better since getting on the zoloft....but I still have my days. I am sorry that your husband had to go through that! I really dont meet any of the criteria for having a clot...but I am indeed having some type of issue with my knee and excess fluid build up. I think I will need to take it easy when doing deep bends and such. Gosh....im only 38 and feel like my body is breaking down!
It is just a bag of fluid now behind my knee.....it isn't huge, just uncomfortable.

05-06-2014, 10:51 AM

Yes...today is beautiful here. Bright sun, 70 degrees....I have my windows open.....

I am trying my best just to enjoy the moment and not let anxiety take over!!!!

How have you been,

05-06-2014, 11:16 AM
I have had my ups and down but been doing really well for the last week or so.
I'm finally seeing a way out and how to deal better with this. Plus just this second found out I've gotten a job nervous about it but also looking forward too.
This is massive as I haven't worked in 2 years but I can do it and the money will come in really handy too :-)

05-06-2014, 11:46 AM
Trini when I was 38 everything seemed to break down, I would think it is some kind of crisis at this age, it lasts a few months then you go back to being in good shape and the level of energy goes up. The knee, they should drain the fluid?
We all have bad days and good days, the problem is we tend to focus more on the bad days. It is human way;)) I am the same. I have such health scare all the time, but the years go by and I am still here:))
I am happy you feel better.

Hannah is it the meditation wonderful? It gives a new meaning to life:)

05-06-2014, 12:26 PM
Congrats Hannah! You will do wonderfully. Everyone gets a little nervous on the first day so dont worry about that. Yes...when you get that paycheck, you will be excited!

Im working but I have decided to start my real estate classes at the end of this month. Im nervous I might fail...but I know if I put my mind to it....I can do it!

Dahlia. ....so everything starts to break down at 38.....thats funny! At least im not alone.....lol!

05-06-2014, 12:41 PM
Thanks trini :-)

Good luck with your course it sounds great and you will be fine as you said you can do it :-)