View Full Version : Trying to move on :-(

05-05-2014, 03:46 AM
Lot of things have changed in my life recently;
I split it my fiancé so have moved myself and my dog out of my house back in with my parents, now waiting to sell the house before I can move on.
Why is it soo difficult? I just feel anxious about everything, will my dog be okay when me move again, will new neighbours be okay, how long am I going to feel stuck at my parents house (they are very negative), will I find a new home that needs all our needs, will I ever meet someone new, will he move on without a second thought, everything just hurts at the moment and I just don't want to get out of be as everything makes me feel anxious & depressed

05-06-2014, 07:10 AM
Hi MicheleHK,

i am anxious just as much as you are and causes me to lose focus. besides the meds/talk therapy that I'm going through, i seriously recommend you to run. Its going to suck starting that run and making the first few steps, but keep at it and believe me you will feel a lot lot better after the run.

Im in a down rut now cos i sprained my ankle.. i hate running, i only run for the high after the run. i trust it will help you too. take care!!
