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05-04-2014, 11:02 PM
Hi guys! I am Brittany, I am a 26 year old mother suffering from a panic disorder that is slowly turning into agoraphobia. I very recently started seeking treatment and it has made such an amazing difference, but I am so happy to have found this forum!

05-05-2014, 08:11 AM
Welcome Brittany. If you have started treatment you are on your way to health. People can and do regain health with little or no treatment, but treatment hastens the progress and leaves you with skills and tools to never return to this state. It's a brave move for you, and I would say be proud of yourself. I heard someone say the other day... until we become comfortable with the uncomfortable things in life we suffer. This popped out at me as I do know we can have physical pain, or mental pain and not suffer (my experience), and yet I too have suffered with both, not knowing how not to identify myself as this or that, only the one aware of it. I mean by saying this as we attach a story line, such as poor me, I'll never get better, or I am not worth saving, etc. etc. This is where suffering comes from, why add suffering to an already painful experience? I always think of little children, when they have pain they cry, yell scream, as should we, they never go into a long story about it, or identify with it. Can you imagine hearing a little child say I'll never get over this, my dad never loved me, or people always judge me etc.? Nope they have not been conditioned yet. We have, and this is where "suffering" is located in our stories and stress about self. Watch the "you" that is aware of how you feel as I have, it will whine and try to talk you into believing things are much worse than they are. It's subtle, so watch and for goodness sake don't fight it, or judge yourself, this is the "human" experience, the watching is the "being" experience. Both can be beautiful if we let them dance together.


05-05-2014, 08:21 AM
Thank you! Almost a month ago I did start seeking treatment, and just in the last few weeks I have noticed a huge improvement. I still need a lot of work but honestly just knowing that things can and will be better helps so much