View Full Version : anxiety when feeling unwell

05-04-2014, 02:31 PM
Does anyone else have bad anxiety when they're not feeling well?

05-04-2014, 02:43 PM
Alway's for me. Hope you start feeling better.

05-04-2014, 03:08 PM
Yeah all the time. It's never just a common cold it always ends up something serious I will be that one in a million to get something serious lol.

Yeah hope you feel better soon :-)

05-04-2014, 03:29 PM
Thank yous! I've had a sore tummy all day with a runny nose & a bit of a sore throat. Feels like i'm coming down with the cold.

05-04-2014, 03:31 PM
Plenty rest and fluids and you will be right as rain before you no it.

I'm a wuss when I'm poorly lol.
(Not as bad as my hubby though haha)

05-05-2014, 06:39 AM
I get it too, but it's even worse when my son gets sick. when he's sick, man oh man does the anxiety kick in.

You just have to reassure yourself that's all it is and you will get better.

Feel better soon!

05-05-2014, 11:08 AM
Yes. In fact I was experiencing tons of anxiety a few nights ago when I wasn't feeling good. Hope you feel better soon!