View Full Version : Losing hope

05-04-2014, 07:24 AM
I'm not sure how much more I can take. I've been taking Zoloft, 50 mg's for 11 days & 75 mg's for the last two. Anxiety is off the charts. Panic is constantly on the threshold & I'm having trouble urinating. Doc said many antidepressants can cause this somewhat rare side effect and if it doesn't work itself out, I'll need to try something else.
I can't see feeling normal anymore. I leave in two weeks for a D.C. field trip with my son and I was hoping to feel good by then.
I've lost all motivation to do anything. My family keeps saying, it'll be ok...you'll try another med. But my med phobia has now gotten worse because of this last experience.
It's spring & I can't seem to enjoy it. I try and try to push the despair away but it's still there. I feel so alone & helpless.
Couldn't even push myself to go to church today.
Has anyone out there felt this bad & found their way out? Please tell me your story...

05-04-2014, 09:12 AM
The meds are building in the blood stream. Wait another week and the relieve will come:))

05-04-2014, 10:40 AM
Yes, you just have to be patient until you find just the right medication that works for you. I've been on practically all of them except for a few. Finally found Lexapro and I like it. Sounds like you may need a therapist to talk to, and a doctor that can help you manage that anxiety. I take Buspar for anxiety which is helpful to me, but doesn't work for a lot of people. But there is help for anxiety too.