View Full Version : Fear of abandonment

05-03-2014, 11:17 AM
I've always had struggles when it comes to separation, especially in romantic relationships. Or really, I've always had troubles maintaining healthy relationships. I am a typical push-and-pull kind of person, because I am terrified of being abandoned. This often results in me first pulling you extremely close so I don't have to feel so lonely, and then I push you away before you push me away first, so I won't be left by you. This leads to feelings of abandonment, and so the vicious cycle goes on. Also, I have two ways of viewing people in my life: they are either all good or total shit. This also applies to how I view "ex people" from my life: when I'm dumped (by a friend or lover) I either go totally insane and threaten to kill myself and then I mourn the loss of this glorified person forever, or I act like the person never existed anyway and didn't mean anything at all.

Anyone else have these problems?