View Full Version : So down...please help.

05-03-2014, 06:49 AM
I'm really struggling. I know many of us are. I've been on Zoloft for a few weeks and was just starting to see a slight difference. Going on ssri's are very hard for me and I was so thrilled to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Then this last week I began having trouble emptying my bladder. I'm going all the time & very little comes out. I went to my pdoc and she acted like it was a very rare side effect & maybe not even that, but just my nerves. She upped my dose to 75 mg's & said if the peeing issue worsened I'd have to stop Zoloft & try another med. This sounds so simple but it's not for me! Last night I got up to go & I sat there for 5 min. before a little trickle came. I don't have any pain & I've been checked for a UTI. Doc says if this doesn't get better she'd like to try Cymbalta or viibryd. I don't like what I hear about either of those!
Has anyone had a bladder emptying issue on a med & did it go away as your body adjusted? Please, give me some advice or encouragement. I need to take my med in 10 minutes & I don't know what to do!!!

05-03-2014, 09:17 AM
I haven't heard a SSRI causing issues like you are describing but someone may have experienced that

But I have heard that issue being a symptom of anxiety. Actually, I heard it from me since I went through it some years ago

I'm not saying that is the reason you are feeling the way you are but would bet you are becoming obsessed with it and it is getting worse

That would tell me it is anxiety related

If you are of legal drinking age, go out tonight and get all hammered up with,oafs of beer

That'll have you going like a faucet

05-03-2014, 09:38 AM
Hi jgirl

Great advice there from Nixon!
I too suffered that through bad spells of anxiety and still do occasionally if I'm stressed, anxious or even nervous.

Another reason I go loads is when it's that time of the month I'm never away from the toilet then. So when there is a combination of both it's horrendous I've even convinced myself I must be pregnant as I'm there that often.