View Full Version : Constant feeling of anxiety all the time. I feel hopeless :(

05-03-2014, 02:49 AM
Hey all,

I dont know why i experience mild anxiety symptoms 24/7. Its been more than 2 weeks since am on 15 mg Remeron, but i feel like this all the time. It was not like this before. The medicine seems to have improved my worse panic. My panic atacks have reduces.But, why i have these constant mild symptoms of anxiety all the time. I feel lightheaded, sweaty and numb hands and feet...Feel lethargic.Is it coz of medicine or anxiety or what..?

I feel hopeless now, i m still fearing and am anxious... I fear anxiety and that state in which i was about a month ago before starting the meds...I dont know when will the meds work or how long i will have to be like this. I feel like crying :'( I wanna be back to how i was. I cant even go out these days coz i panic and fear i will have a panic attack.

I dont know why i have suddenly become like this. When will i feel better :'( I have loads of things to do. I wanna enjoy my life.

05-03-2014, 03:28 AM
Hello there Hun,sounds to me you have fear of fear Hun
Fear of fear is that your always fear the next anxiety attack,which in turn may not come but consequently your always feeling anxious.

That then keeps the panic/anxious feeling going.
If the medication is helping that's a good thing,you can always have the dose increased or if you have not been on it for
Long then give it time to work,they say upto 12 weeks to start feeling the full effects

This feeling will go,it takes time,be kind to yourself Hun having anxiety is a pain but it also proves how strong you are

05-03-2014, 05:34 AM
You have explained it really well em1... I constantly remain anxious over my anxiety...anxious over being anxious u can say. I am health conscious..and always fear something happening to me especially a panic attack as i have already gone thru those.

The medicine has seem have seemed to work with the worst anxiety, but this constant feeling is something thats not under control. I think its new....and it makes me feel hopeless. I just hope it goes away soon, wanna continue with my old life.