View Full Version : Anxiety?!? Yes no maybe?

05-03-2014, 12:52 AM
So to start off I never have felt anxiety in a social situation until this year.
I have a bulging disc in my L4-L5 vertebrate and this causes some muscle spasms and general tension through the entire left side of my back.

So I went to see an apartment after a 14 hour shift and an entire pot of coffee. While talking about the apartment I started to have this cringe in the left side of my neck almost like a slight spasm. Which totally threw me off since I had never experienced such a thing. It kept happening while I was talking to the point I had to grab my neck to stop it. Since then I have had it happen two or three times always in a stressful situation. This has only happened after lack of sleep and a large amount of coffee. Especially when my back has been acting up.

I also work in a housing facility for the homeless. We have non-negotiable rules. Every single day people try to break these rules. One of the main non-negotiables is to follow staff instruction. In these situations where I know I'm doing the right thing and that the other person is just trying to make excuse after excuse I get overwhelmed. When someone attempts to speak overtop of me or plain attempts to ignore me. I get to the point where my heart is pounding and I can feel the stress just building up in my back. I'd rather not kick someone out onto the streets and try to be logical with the person. Since it is my job I try to just gather myself and be professional. I would say it's more anger and frustration dealing with the same non-sense day after day. Where people just can't simply follow instruction. When everyday they try test the waters to see what they can get away with. I get to that point where I just cant contain myself... I walk away and attempt to gather myself but, I feel like one of these times I'm not going to be able to.

Maybe I just need another job...

Any input would be awesome.

05-03-2014, 05:01 PM
Hi deez I'm not sure if your back problems are related to what you are feeling but what you are describing definitely sounds like anxiety.

I would say cut back on the coffee as it sounds like that could be a major cause in the anxiety, as you said an attack seems to follow after you have drank alot of it.

Your job sounds very stressful but I bet it can be rewarding too :-)