View Full Version : trying to be happy again.

05-03-2014, 12:27 AM
Hi Everyone
my name is Amanda, I am 24 years old, I am trying to get my life back together. I few years ago I was really hurt by my ex boyfriend we dated for 10 months. talk to each other for 1-2 years started to date. And then I found out that he cheated on me. and then I got a call on my moms birthday at 5 in the morning saying he never cared about me nor loved me. I was crying I didn't know what to do. And then 1-2 years went by 3 days after my 24th birthday. I was out with a friend, I got a random text saying hi how's it going? how are you doing? I said who is this , and he said you know who I said I didn't so I called. And then I remembered his voice. And then I said what do you want? he said I want to talk to you I said NO , I started to cry at the bus stop and I was shaking and he said where are you I want to see you I said out with a friend he said ill pick you up I said leave me alone he said see you in 20 mins. I went back to my house and I told my mom he texted me as I was telling you I got a text from him. saying I am here come out side. I said no like 3 times. so I went outside telling him to go I got in the car he started to drive. I said I have nothing to say to you he kept on touching me and trying to kiss me I pushed him off of me. I told him to take me home he said ok . he started the car turned the car around stopped the car, pulled the passenger seat down, took off my bra from the back and jumped on top of me pulled my pants down and raped me.:(

05-05-2014, 10:52 AM
Im so sorry this happened to you...do you have access to a therapist or counselor? You may want to speak to someone qualified to work with individuals who have gone through traumatic experiences like this.

05-05-2014, 12:04 PM
PM me this guy's address. Maybe I live close and I will show him what we do to guy's like him. If he lives he will never pee standing up again!
Sorry, I let my emotions get carried away. I am truly sorry that this has happened and I hope that you went to the authorities?

05-08-2014, 02:14 AM
I live in Vancouver BC and so does he n U don't.

05-08-2014, 04:50 AM
I am very sorry Summegirl1212. I guess it was a gut reaction when I herd what you went through. I have two daughters and your story touched a nerve. Again sorry, and any time you need to talk just ask.

05-08-2014, 07:10 AM
Summergirl you should go to police and report him, This was a rape a crime, you are going to be scares for life. Do not let him get away with it. It does not mattter than you went into his car. YOu said NO and it was rape and he should be panished
Two years in the jail would do good to the ass***e,