05-13-2008, 11:44 PM
Okay, the idea behind this thread is to support the person above you when they post their problems:

If we are to conquer anxiety, we must purge it from within. This can be done alone, but is substantially harder. Some feel it is easier to type than to go out and see someone or seek help in a group. You have found your home.

So let's take a stand. Let's look anxiety in the 'face' and take it down. It is with this mindset that we can overcome, and begin that long road to recovery.

So, someone fell free to start the thread. Post your story, voice your problems. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!


05-14-2008, 07:22 AM
Okay, the idea behind this thread is to support the person above you when they post their problems:

If we are to conquer anxiety, we must purge it from within. This can be done alone, but is substantially harder. Some feel it is easier to type than to go out and see someone or seek help in a group. You have found your home.

So let's take a stand. Let's look anxiety in the 'face' and take it down. It is with this mindset that we can overcome, and begin that long road to recovery.

So, someone fell free to start the thread. Post your story, voice your problems. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!


I am not generally a depressed person but over the last 5 yrs. or so...I have faced a strange problem: For years I was always trying to connect with my husband and get that 'affectionate' feeling. I finally stopped caring emotionally for him. (I should mention he never asked me to marry him, I put him to the task after living with him for a few years and got fed up waiting. Big mistake, right?) Then I met someone and fell in love with him. He ended getting married a few years ago and I can't stop feeling for him and I think clinically,.............they would say I am depressed. So now I have to deal with sporadic panic attacks, general anxiety and depressed feelings, while trying to get employed again. I actually terminated my job last July from my full time job because of anxiety and migraines. It's damn hard to get a job at my age. I do not look 50 at all but when employers get my resume they see I am that age and probably think I am out to pasture. Mooooooooooooo! (I do have some sense of humour still.)

So, whaddaya think there friend?

05-14-2008, 11:31 AM
Okay, the idea behind this thread is to support the person above you when they post their problems:

If we are to conquer anxiety, we must purge it from within. This can be done alone, but is substantially harder. Some feel it is easier to type than to go out and see someone or seek help in a group. You have found your home.

So let's take a stand. Let's look anxiety in the 'face' and take it down. It is with this mindset that we can overcome, and begin that long road to recovery.

So, someone fell free to start the thread. Post your story, voice your problems. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!


I am not generally a depressed person but over the last 5 yrs. or so...I have faced a strange problem: For years I was always trying to connect with my husband and get that 'affectionate' feeling. I finally stopped caring emotionally for him. (I should mention he never asked me to marry him, I put him to the task after living with him for a few years and got fed up waiting. Big mistake, right?) Then I met someone and fell in love with him. He ended getting married a few years ago and I can't stop feeling for him and I think clinically,.............they would say I am depressed. So now I have to deal with sporadic panic attacks, general anxiety and depressed feelings, while trying to get employed again. I actually terminated my job last July from my full time job because of anxiety and migraines. It's damn hard to get a job at my age. I do not look 50 at all but when employers get my resume they see I am that age and probably think I am out to pasture. Mooooooooooooo! (I do have some sense of humour still.)

So, whaddaya think there friend?

Hey Dixxie,

Just know this-tough times never last, tough people do.

That being said, I feel for your loss of a loved one, but true love waits. If it were meant to be, then it would be so, would it not? When it gets hard, just remember he is your 'ex' for a reason! It would be best if you let him know how this affected you, keeping your emotions bottled up only makes things worse.

If you are 50, you are definitely not too old to get a job! My father is that age, and he is currently in college again to become a principal at a prestigious military academy.

Keep in mind that you only have one life, so cherish it and love yourself. Once you begin that, others will love you too. :mrgreen:

-Best wishes,


05-14-2008, 01:09 PM
Okay, the idea behind this thread is to support the person above you when they post their problems:

If we are to conquer anxiety, we must purge it from within. This can be done alone, but is substantially harder. Some feel it is easier to type than to go out and see someone or seek help in a group. You have found your home.

So let's take a stand. Let's look anxiety in the 'face' and take it down. It is with this mindset that we can overcome, and begin that long road to recovery.

So, someone fell free to start the thread. Post your story, voice your problems. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!


I am not generally a depressed person but over the last 5 yrs. or so...I have faced a strange problem: For years I was always trying to connect with my husband and get that 'affectionate' feeling. I finally stopped caring emotionally for him. (I should mention he never asked me to marry him, I put him to the task after living with him for a few years and got fed up waiting. Big mistake, right?) Then I met someone and fell in love with him. He ended getting married a few years ago and I can't stop feeling for him and I think clinically,.............they would say I am depressed. So now I have to deal with sporadic panic attacks, general anxiety and depressed feelings, while trying to get employed again. I actually terminated my job last July from my full time job because of anxiety and migraines. It's damn hard to get a job at my age. I do not look 50 at all but when employers get my resume they see I am that age and probably think I am out to pasture. Mooooooooooooo! (I do have some sense of humour still.)

So, whaddaya think there friend?

Hey Dixxie,

Just know this-tough times never last, tough people do.

That being said, I feel for your loss of a loved one, but true love waits. If it were meant to be, then it would be so, would it not? When it gets hard, just remember he is your 'ex' for a reason! It would be best if you let him know how this affected you, keeping your emotions bottled up only makes things worse.

If you are 50, you are definitely not too old to get a job! My father is that age, and he is currently in college again to become a principal at a prestigious military academy.

Keep in mind that you only have one life, so cherish it and love yourself. Once you begin that, others will love you too. :mrgreen:

-Best wishes,


If it's okay with you, I'd like to respond to your suggestions and then you can see if I need to travel down another avenue.....

>going back to school....you and my son think the same way..in fact he keeps riding me ALOT (he's 17 and ready to go on to post secondary)....MOM, GO BACK TO SCHOOL. My husband on the other hand says, "Are you outta your mind? You're almost retirement age..." I have a feeling I won't be able to concentrate.

>letting him know my feelings???? WHO are we talking about?My hubby or him
Uh, I don't think either wants to hear about that from me.... :cry: