View Full Version : This might help when you have tension, are really uptight or having bad thoughts

05-02-2014, 04:14 PM
While I was in hospital, one of the therapists from camhs came to see me and he told me that if you give yourself brain freeze by either eating something cold or putting a cold compress on your forehead it will help stop the thoughts you are having due to you loosing the thoughts through the pain of brain freeze if that makes sense? So I have been home for a day or two now and I have only just tried it when I was really uptight and honestly it stopped pretty much most of the bad thoughts I was having because of the brain freeze I gave myself! I never knew something so easy to do even though its painful can help with the thoughts I was having and I was wondering if maybe it will stop people from the anxious thoughts etc? Its worth a try... because its worked for me! tell me how you get on if you have a try at this! :)

05-02-2014, 04:38 PM
This is an excuse for icecream! OM!

05-03-2014, 04:16 PM
Haha I don't think there needs to be an excuse for ice cream ;-p

That sounds like good advice and I really get it. But for me I feel like it would just start another anxiety symptom off. If I was having a tough day the brain freeze would probably turn into a brain tumour or something lol.