View Full Version : Please HELP! Completely freaked out!

05-02-2014, 02:48 PM
First I apologize for my long post. I am new to this forum.I have never talked to others about my problems.I do not have friends to talk to.......

I have herniated disk on my back with severe muscle spasms so that even smaller movement causes sciatica. Suddenly one day palpitations woke me up with unlimited fear and afraid of everything,negative thoughts,felt like there was weight on my chest. This goes on whole day and next day and so on...There is no break from this panic attack-anxiety. I am always crying. I do not know what to do for this. Will it ever stop or reduce? Always feels tired and fatiqued! faster heartbeat and chest gets fluttery.

I found this website by chance. Please friends, I can see so many people going through the same things like me. Could anyone please help me or guide me.

I cannot do anything for a change to go outside because of my back

Thank you.

05-02-2014, 03:14 PM
First I apologize for my long post. I am new to this forum.I have never talked to others about my problems.I do not have friends to talk to....... I have herniated disk on my back with severe muscle spasms so that even smaller movement causes sciatica. Suddenly one day palpitations woke me up with unlimited fear and afraid of everything,negative thoughts,felt like there was weight on my chest. This goes on whole day and next day and so on...There is no break from this panic attack-anxiety. I am always crying. I do not know what to do for this. Will it ever stop or reduce? Always feels tired and fatiqued! faster heartbeat and chest gets fluttery. I found this website by chance. Please friends, I can see so many people going through the same things like me. Could anyone please help me or guide me. I cannot do anything for a change to go outside because of my back Thank you.

Welcome kthotti,

I understand you more than you know. 3 herniated disks, low back, unbearable sciatica.

I know the agony you are in.

First question, what are you doing to manage the pain in your back? Pain killers? Muscle relaxers? Anti-inflatories? Physio? Accupuncture?

Understanding the pain, I'm going to tell you to keep moving. Slow and gentle. Don't sit too long or lie down too long.

It wouldn't surprise me if your anxiety and panic attacks are driven by pain, and possibly meds.

A little more info and I might be able to offer you some better suggestions.

Again welcome

05-02-2014, 03:15 PM
Hey Kthotti, welcome to the forums! You are not alone...... From what you posted it sounds like more of a PTSD episode, you had a traumatic event that has stuck in your head and its causing you to have anxiety of it and then panic attacks.

There is a lot of exercise that you can do but you need to first accept and understand your situation.

For your panic attacks itself, you need to manage it first. Panic attacks are extremely "uncomfortable" but it cant hurt you! It hasnt hurt you up to this point, it has made you feel uncomfortable but it temporary. So first and foremost, you need to challenge it in your mind, is there a significant danger at that moment that is causing your panic attack 99% there isnt, you have to mentally grasp that!

Secondly, Breath, breath slowly and deeply, nice long deep breaths!

Third, Its temporary it will pass..... believe it!

Now on to your anxieties, This is a work in progress and something that will not happen over night. You need to write down your anxieties and rationalize them. You need to put them into perspective. With our anxieties we tend to blow them out of proportion and think the worst thoughts. Writing them down with rational thoughts makes it easy to address when they pop into our heads!

Ill stop here for now and continue when you give us a heads up on whats going on =)

Hang in there!

05-02-2014, 03:59 PM
Welcome kthotti,

I understand you more than you know. 3 herniated disks, low back, unbearable sciatica.

I know the agony you are in.

First question, what are you doing to manage the pain in your back? Pain killers? Muscle relaxers? Anti-inflatories? Physio? Accupuncture?

Understanding the pain, I'm going to tell you to keep moving. Slow and gentle. Don't sit too long or lie down too long.

It wouldn't surprise me if your anxiety and panic attacks are driven by pain, and possibly meds.

A little more info and I might be able to offer you some better suggestions.

Again welcome

Thanks Pam. I would really appreciate and welcome your help. I am having mild muscle relaxer and ibuprofen for nsaids. I get pain whenever I try to sit or walk.
Anxiety palpitations make my body more fatigue and painful.

Thank you

05-02-2014, 04:03 PM
Hey Kthotti, welcome to the forums! You are not alone...... From what you posted it sounds like more of a PTSD episode, you had a traumatic event that has stuck in your head and its causing you to have anxiety of it and then panic attacks.

There is a lot of exercise that you can do but you need to first accept and understand your situation.

For your panic attacks itself, you need to manage it first. Panic attacks are extremely "uncomfortable" but it cant hurt you! It hasnt hurt you up to this point, it has made you feel uncomfortable but it temporary. So first and foremost, you need to challenge it in your mind, is there a significant danger at that moment that is causing your panic attack 99% there isnt, you have to mentally grasp that!

Secondly, Breath, breath slowly and deeply, nice long deep breaths!

Third, Its temporary it will pass..... believe it!

Now on to your anxieties, This is a work in progress and something that will not happen over night. You need to write down your anxieties and rationalize them. You need to put them into perspective. With our anxieties we tend to blow them out of proportion and think the worst thoughts. Writing them down with rational thoughts makes it easy to address when they pop into our heads!

Ill stop here for now and continue when you give us a heads up on whats going on =)

Hang in there!

Thanks Exactice for your help. My palpitations are constant and I am afraid of something always. Most times I am confused of what it is. It is making me tired and painful. I can feel my heartbeat inside my throat. I cannot stop crying...

05-02-2014, 05:52 PM
Hey KT,

Have you had the panic/anxiety issue before the back trouble or has this become an issue with the back? How long has the back thing been going on?

Based on the meds you told me you are taking, and if the anxiety has gotten worse since the back issue, I am going to suggest that the muscle relaxer might be contributing. Remember, that stuff relaxes all muscles, not only the back.

I won't take them any more because after I took them it felt like my heart was beating funny which sent me into a full blown panic attack. That is just me, you might tolerate them well and they are a non issue.

Did you have a CT scan or MRI to diagnose the herniated disc ? Have you looked into any physiotherapy for the back? Physio helped me a lot, even though I was ready to strangle the therapist after my first couple of sessions, the pain was so bad. It did get better with the exercises.

I will also suggest that you read a couple of threads, one is by 14 called health anxiety exposed, the other is a sticky called anxiety the symptoms. You may find some strategies there to help with the anxiety.

My last suggestion is that maybe you can go back to your doctor and ask for a different anti inflammatory, I take vimovo which is a combination of naproxen and nexium. The nexium is a protector for the stomach. And maybe something different for the pain. Tylenol 3 is my first choice if you can tolerate codeine. The last thing I use occasionally, and it works on both the back spasms and the anxiety is diazepam (Valium ). A very small amount of that could be all you need to get relief from both issues. I do know however that doctors are reluctant to prescribe Benzos but they may just be your life line for the short run.

Good luck , if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask,

05-04-2014, 06:24 AM
Hey KT,

Have you had the panic/anxiety issue before the back trouble or has this become an issue with the back? How long has the back thing been going on?

Based on the meds you told me you are taking, and if the anxiety has gotten worse since the back issue, I am going to suggest that the muscle relaxer might be contributing. Remember, that stuff relaxes all muscles, not only the back.

I won't take them any more because after I took them it felt like my heart was beating funny which sent me into a full blown panic attack. That is just me, you might tolerate them well and they are a non issue.

Did you have a CT scan or MRI to diagnose the herniated disc ? Have you looked into any physiotherapy for the back? Physio helped me a lot, even though I was ready to strangle the therapist after my first couple of sessions, the pain was so bad. It did get better with the exercises.

I will also suggest that you read a couple of threads, one is by 14 called health anxiety exposed, the other is a sticky called anxiety the symptoms. You may find some strategies there to help with the anxiety.

My last suggestion is that maybe you can go back to your doctor and ask for a different anti inflammatory, I take vimovo which is a combination of naproxen and nexium. The nexium is a protector for the stomach. And maybe something different for the pain. Tylenol 3 is my first choice if you can tolerate codeine. The last thing I use occasionally, and it works on both the back spasms and the anxiety is diazepam (Valium ). A very small amount of that could be all you need to get relief from both issues. I do know however that doctors are reluctant to prescribe Benzos but they may just be your life line for the short run.

Good luck , if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask,

Thanks Pam. I do have few questions.I apologoxe for bugging you. He took mri and x ray but when asked to give different meds, he gave the same again. Do muscle relaxant cause anxiety? Some threads recommend magnesium and amino acid fuel what do you think of that?

About therapy,how could doctor prescribe theraphy with herniated disc hanging out, isnt it risky? I have pain if I walk and even if I lie down. I don't know what I am doing?

Please help me?


05-04-2014, 07:24 AM
Hi Pam does painkiller hydrocodone with aceto cause anxiety?

05-04-2014, 08:43 AM
Hi KT,

I will help all I can. The hhydrocodone / acet probably is not the cause of the anxiety. It is very similar to the Acetominophen/ codeine that I take.

The muscle relaxers probably not either, but that being said both of these meds change the way you experience pain, and you probably don't feel quite normal when you take it.

90% of anxiety has to do with thought processes, if you can change your thought processes then you can manage the anxiety. But, I totally understand that pain completely interrupts that ability to think clearly. Long and short of it, the meds probably aren't the root cause of your anxiety, but the pain in your back may very well be. The meds only contribute to it.

I know that when my back issues flare up so does my anxiety.

One other question. Did the doctor tell you if there was any stenosis in the area? If he didn't say then that's a good thing.

Trying the magnesium probably won't hurt you, it may even help. One way you can get it is with Epsom salts in the bath. Assuming you can get into and out of the tub of course. I find them very helpful, they help relax the back and overall soothe my nerves. Another good source of magnesium other than vitamin supplements is coconut water. I mix this into my smoothies every day.

This unfortunately is going to be a time of trial and error for you to get relief. Heating pads, sleeping on the living room floor with a thin foam pad under me, up and down like a yo yo. I try them all with varying levels of success.

I am however surprised that your doc hasn't given you a better anti inflammatory.

Therapy that worked wonders for me was accupuncture. Then traditional physio. Ask the questions of your doctor, he may just feel that at this point the situation is so acute in your back that it needs to settle down a bit before therapy can help.

If you have any other questions ask away, I'm around a few times a day and will help if I can.


05-04-2014, 09:21 AM
Nsaid meds are not good, they change the heart beat and higher, a lot Blood pressure. They are meant for a short time relieve of pain. Some people can take it for some time. I can not first; blood pressure spikes like crazy, get a lot of stomach problems, and strange high heart beat.
It is very important to have a decent mattress to sleep, and sleep with pillow between your legs , when on the side.
Needtogetwell have a very good idea with epson salts. Not only they help to relax, but also are source of magnesium , the skin is the biggest organ in the body and absorbs a lot through it.
I had traditional physio and acupunture, and I am not sure what helped. I am kind of ok now, as long as I remember to move or to lift things in particular way :))
I hope you will feel better shortly

05-04-2014, 01:40 PM
Hi KT,

I will help all I can. The hhydrocodone / acet probably is not the cause of the anxiety. It is very similar to the Acetominophen/ codeine that I take.

The muscle relaxers probably not either, but that being said both of these meds change the way you experience pain, and you probably don't feel quite normal when you take it.

90% of anxiety has to do with thought processes, if you can change your thought processes then you can manage the anxiety. But, I totally understand that pain completely interrupts that ability to think clearly. Long and short of it, the meds probably aren't the root cause of your anxiety, but the pain in your back may very well be. The meds only contribute to it.

I know that when my back issues flare up so does my anxiety.

One other question. Did the doctor tell you if there was any stenosis in the area? If he didn't say then that's a good thing.

Trying the magnesium probably won't hurt you, it may even help. One way you can get it is with Epsom salts in the bath. Assuming you can get into and out of the tub of course. I find them very helpful, they help relax the back and overall soothe my nerves. Another good source of magnesium other than vitamin supplements is coconut water. I mix this into my smoothies every day.

This unfortunately is going to be a time of trial and error for you to get relief. Heating pads, sleeping on the living room floor with a thin foam pad under me, up and down like a yo yo. I try them all with varying levels of success.

I am however surprised that your doc hasn't given you a better anti inflammatory.

Therapy that worked wonders for me was accupuncture. Then traditional physio. Ask the questions of your doctor, he may just feel that at this point the situation is so acute in your back that it needs to settle down a bit before therapy can help.

If you have any other questions ask away, I'm around a few times a day and will help if I can.


Hi Pam,

Thanks for answering mey questions.

Does the doctor recommends the therapy and accupuncture?

I don't know what are the questions to ask the doctor for this type of situation. For example meds,therapy,movements........Could you help me with that?

I have a problem with heat/cold pad situation. My muscles are all spasmed up in the back that it pushes my bones.But my disks are herniated and inflammated. So I don't know what to use.

Is there any other way to use epsom salts besides bathtub? I have freaked out by my back so much so that I don't know what are the movements I can do or can't?

What is stenosis? He said sciaitica pain is there.

How to change the thought process? Do you have any suggestions? Because I can't do anything by going outside...

How many weeks will it take for me to get okay?

Sorry for all the questions and reoubles. You are helping me more than you know.

Thank you

05-04-2014, 01:44 PM
Nsaid meds are not good, they change the heart beat and higher, a lot Blood pressure. They are meant for a short time relieve of pain. Some people can take it for some time. I can not first; blood pressure spikes like crazy, get a lot of stomach problems, and strange high heart beat.
It is very important to have a decent mattress to sleep, and sleep with pillow between your legs , when on the side.
Needtogetwell have a very good idea with epson salts. Not only they help to relax, but also are source of magnesium , the skin is the biggest organ in the body and absorbs a lot through it.
I had traditional physio and acupunture, and I am not sure what helped. I am kind of ok now, as long as I remember to move or to lift things in particular way :))
I hope you will feel better shortly

Hi Dahlia,
thanks for your help. Is there any way I can use epsom salt by showering? Did you have physio and accupuncture after herniated disk inflammation? Will it take more months to recover?

05-04-2014, 02:15 PM
Hi KT,

1st, don't worry about stenosis if it wasn't specifically mentioned. What that is is something pressing on your spinal cord. If you had it the doctor would have said so. So, please please don't worry.

Sciatica is altogether something different, usually some inflamation or the herniated disk presses on the sciatic nerve. With that you will get shooting and throbbing pain from your low back, rear end , right down your leg and through your toes. But I don't have to tell you, you are living it.

For the Epsom salts, the bath is really the best. Do you have anyone with you to help you in and out of the tub? Once you get in the warmth will likely feel good.

For the magnesium you could also try it in supplement form. Often you can get calcium and magnesium together, this can be a good option as I find that straight magnesium can cause stomach upset and loose stools if you aren't used to it. It is for that reason that I like the Epsom salt bath better.

As for the heat/cold thing, I know what you mean about the disk, pressing on the spot can make it worse. I can't wear any back support belts because they press on the wrong spots. Here are a couple of things I tried. For heat, a warm damp cloth or towel resting on your back, if you can lie on your stomach for a few minutes and have someone put it on your back it can help. You could do the same with ice. I used small bags of frozen peas, they don't have the rough edges of ice. Ice or cold isn't pleasant but it can help with the inflamation. Alternately, if lying on your stomach doesn't work, sitting with soft pillows behind you and sitting on one and then slightly leaning back onto the heat /cold may work.

KT , may I ask where you live? I'm just curious more than anything.

This reply is a bit lengthy so I will have to stop for the moment and charge my iphone. I will get back to you in a bit regarding the physio and accupuncture.


05-04-2014, 04:13 PM
Hi Dahlia,
thanks for your help. Is there any way I can use epsom salt by showering? Did you have physio and accupuncture after herniated disk inflammation? Will it take more months to recover?

I had both, epson salts are good to soak your body in. With shower , it is not possible:)))

05-04-2014, 09:07 PM
I will tell you something that will give you relief. Your doctor won't tell you this unless of course he's a good doctor and there aren't many, money comes first. Here it is, pro-lo-therapy, or proliferation therapy, is the name. A sports medicine doctor is best educated in this. It is regenerative, instead of steroidal degenerative. This restores balance to the natural bodily functions. Another thing this works, so like most things that work insurance does not support or pay for (usually). The cost is 100.00 by most docs, and up to 350.00 sometimes. It is a series of shots, dextrose, or platelet rich injections of your own blood plasma, into the tendons, which regenerates the areas. This procedure thus can be called platelet rich therapy by some as well as prolotherapy, or proliferation therapy. I have a few docs in the family, I know of none of them educated in this area. This is a specialized simple and inexpensive therapy so no need to learn it I suppose? Always seek answers from people who have little to do with your health or payments from you, and remember you know your body best. Research this please.


05-04-2014, 11:02 PM
Gene, thats awesome advice, do you know of any other therapies..for nerve function?

05-05-2014, 06:48 AM
I always go to this site for information. http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/salivaphtest.htm

Tijuana Mexico was where my aunt Judy went when suffering from female cancer. She was given no hope and was literally climbing the door frames of her hospital room in pain, after they had radiated and chemo'd her to almost death. She was given her last rites, and still had some fight in her so she asked my uncle to take her to Mexico. I am happy to say she was cured of all cancer.

This site is not only for cancer, it can be researched to find solutions for ailments and lots of times clinics in the US, or elsewhere can be found that offer something besides treatment, and many times cures. http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Ltijuanacancerclinics.htm

If I run across any more stuff I will surely post it.


05-13-2014, 01:59 PM
Hi KT,

1st, don't worry about stenosis if it wasn't specifically mentioned. What that is is something pressing on your spinal cord. If you had it the doctor would have said so. So, please please don't worry.

Sciatica is altogether something different, usually some inflamation or the herniated disk presses on the sciatic nerve. With that you will get shooting and throbbing pain from your low back, rear end , right down your leg and through your toes. But I don't have to tell you, you are living it.

For the Epsom salts, the bath is really the best. Do you have anyone with you to help you in and out of the tub? Once you get in the warmth will likely feel good.

For the magnesium you could also try it in supplement form. Often you can get calcium and magnesium together, this can be a good option as I find that straight magnesium can cause stomach upset and loose stools if you aren't used to it. It is for that reason that I like the Epsom salt bath better.

As for the heat/cold thing, I know what you mean about the disk, pressing on the spot can make it worse. I can't wear any back support belts because they press on the wrong spots. Here are a couple of things I tried. For heat, a warm damp cloth or towel resting on your back, if you can lie on your stomach for a few minutes and have someone put it on your back it can help. You could do the same with ice. I used small bags of frozen peas, they don't have the rough edges of ice. Ice or cold isn't pleasant but it can help with the inflamation. Alternately, if lying on your stomach doesn't work, sitting with soft pillows behind you and sitting on one and then slightly leaning back onto the heat /cold may work.

KT , may I ask where you live? I'm just curious more than anything.

This reply is a bit lengthy so I will have to stop for the moment and charge my iphone. I will get back to you in a bit regarding the physio and accupuncture.


Hi Pam,

Sorry for the delay as I went to the doctor and I will later tell you what he diagnised with my back and his answer. Thanks for understanding. Thanks you very much as you are putting up with my many many questions about amy back and anxiety. You don't know how much you are helping me.


05-13-2014, 04:23 PM
Hi KT,

On top of this you have a back problem? Wow, me too. Interesting.

How have you been for the last couple of days? Good I hope. Anyway , I am around so get in touch whenever you are ready.


05-13-2014, 04:26 PM
Please ignore the first line of my response, I just woke up from a nap and am a bit groggy. Of course you have a back problem. Duh! Silly me.