View Full Version : Meds & weight gain?

05-02-2014, 02:22 PM
Has anyone noticed weight gain while medicated? If yes, is it bc you're eating more bc of the meds ?

05-02-2014, 02:38 PM
Hi lexiii,
I sure did!!!! I gained 100 lbs in 13 years after I started paxil. I do not know if it was all because of the paxil but a good part of it was. I managed to get myself off of it two years ago and went back to my normal healthy way of eating and I lost 60 lbs in those two years after being off paxil. the first 30 pounds came off without even trying!!! I think that if I would have tried harder to eat right and exercise more it would not have been so bad but when you are fighting depression and anxiety it's tough to get out of bed some day's let alone exercise.

05-02-2014, 05:10 PM
Yes, anxiety gone, apetite returns:)) in my sitution quitting smoking put some stones on me :)

05-04-2014, 01:42 PM
I was only ever on meds for a few weeks and I even noticed a few pounds, I was also eating more.

Sorry for the off topic, but @Dahila, did your anxiety get better after you quit smoking?

05-04-2014, 05:17 PM
What are you on Lexii?

It's quite common with the older drugs. I gained 25lbs on one drug. Couple of the SSRIs can be quite fattening too, but thankfully for me I've always lost weight on them.

05-04-2014, 09:18 PM
I've gained like 30 lbs, probably from being on Zoloft. Fortunately I was very thin before and I like the weight now. I was never able to gain weight before. I understand that most people would attest that gaining weight is bad. If it's something that's bothering you, I'd recommend talking to your physician who prescribes your SSRI. He/she could guide you in the right direction.

05-04-2014, 09:21 PM
Yes, it's been a terrible problem for me. I got off the Lexapro, lost weight, but I was so anxious I had to go back on the medication.
I love everything about the medication but the fact that it makes me gain weight. So frustrating but my anxiety is way too bad to not take the SSRI's. My doctor said I could try Wellbutrin if I want which I am considering. Supposedly, you don't gain weight on that one as it is not an SSRI.

05-04-2014, 09:22 PM
I was only ever on meds for a few weeks and I even noticed a few pounds, I was also eating more.

Sorry for the off topic, but @Dahila, did your anxiety get better after you quit smoking?

Yes, yes and my sleeping got better too:)

05-17-2014, 07:44 AM
What are you on Lexii? It's quite common with the older drugs. I gained 25lbs on one drug. Couple of the SSRIs can be quite fattening too, but thankfully for me I've always lost weight on them.

I'm on cipralex .. Like I said I'm not sure if I've gained weight or not but now I'm obsessing over it bc of other girls I know who have while on this medication...

05-17-2014, 07:45 AM
Yes, it's been a terrible problem for me. I got off the Lexapro, lost weight, but I was so anxious I had to go back on the medication. I love everything about the medication but the fact that it makes me gain weight. So frustrating but my anxiety is way too bad to not take the SSRI's. My doctor said I could try Wellbutrin if I want which I am considering. Supposedly, you don't gain weight on that one as it is not an SSRI.

What is ssri

05-17-2014, 07:45 AM
Yes, yes and my sleeping got better too:)

They say not drinking and not smoking makes ur anxiety better..: I'm trying not to drink but it's hard ha

05-17-2014, 07:50 AM
Lexii smoking and excessive drinking is not good for anyone, but, I was doing it when I was young and I had anxiety already. One day comes when you quit all of this. YOu must be ready and prepared:) I do not drink at all, one day just stopped:)

05-19-2014, 10:30 PM
Lexii smoking and excessive drinking is not good for anyone, but, I was doing it when I was young and I had anxiety already. One day comes when you quit all of this. YOu must be ready and prepared:) I do not drink at all, one day just stopped:)

That is great!! I went 28 days .. I find it hard to go out and socialize when I do not drink and also feel like I'm not fun and no one wants to go out with me if I'm drinking water... So I'll let myself drink once a week although I know it's bad and I shouldn't but limiting myself helps I guess or at least that's what I tell myself haha

05-20-2014, 08:28 AM
When I decided (after I moved to Canada) that I will not take the mental abuse anymore and divorced my ex , I had to be a perfect parent and I had not touched the alcohol for 8 years. I went to a lot of parties, at this time I liked to be in company of people. You have no idea how much fun I had and nobody knew that I do not drink. I always made the pact with the host to pour for me just Coke:)) Watching people, and listening them after they drink was the most educational and interesting time for me:)

05-20-2014, 08:55 AM
SSRI medications are ones like Lexapro, Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac. If you do go out drinking with others, it might be helpful to order a non-alcholic drink like Coke instead of water. I never drink but if I look like I have a drink in my hands, I don't stand out, even though I would prefer to just drink water. Everyone will just think you have a boubon/coke and they won't pay a bit of attention to you. Try asking the bartender for a bit of lime in your coke, and it will look like a real drink.
Sometimes I would order a scotch/water and tell the bartender to only put a very small amount of scotch in it. Then I could nurse that all night because the ice cubes melt and it lasts a long time. I just sip on it.