View Full Version : alcohol and anxiety.

05-02-2014, 08:01 AM
I was just wondering about anyone else's relationship with alcohol/anxiety.

I drank reasonably heavily up until a week ago, I have decided to stop drinking as although after a drink my anxiety subsides somewhat my anxiety problems are usually multiplied the next day after a few drinks. (I never had a 'problem' - I have always just enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine). Has anyone else experienced a heightened sense of anxiety after consuming alcohol? Anyone else given up?

I only found this site yesterday, and after struggling with anxiety for so long, its like a breath of fresh air to be able to communicate with people with the same issues. Apologies if I have posted too much/in the wrong place!

05-02-2014, 08:05 AM
Drinking makes my anxiety bad I could drink 3 bottles of wine befor and feel great now I feel so down and ill and rubbish the next day. Caffeine affects me to.

05-02-2014, 08:19 AM
Do you choose to stay away from it now? (If you dont mind me asking!)

Ive done a few days now, but as its a friday im thinking 'oooh i'd love a glass of wine later' however one leads to two etc....

I really am trying to treat my body better in the hope it will fix my mind haha!

05-02-2014, 09:07 AM
I don't drink that much now I drink lemonade or something when I go in a pub, sometimes ill have a drink out. When I'm at home I rarely drink now because 1 glass leads to a bottle haha!

05-02-2014, 10:16 AM
I can relate. I'll drink 1 cocktail at most when I'm out bc I don't like feeling drunk or out of control in public.
I tend to drink more when I'm in a comfortable place like a friend's house.

Social anxiety mixed with fear of loss of control= anxiety cocktail!

05-02-2014, 02:21 PM
I used to drink every weekend heavily. Since I was diagnosed with severe panic disorder and also general anxiety disorder , I found drinking one made me anxious so if I have any I have to
Get drunk. The day after drinking my anxiety is BAD!!!! Even sometimes a few days after. I try to only drink once every couple weeks and I find I'm usually fine but if I drink two days in a row I get bad bad anxiety. You have to try to stay away from alcohol if you want to feel better!

05-02-2014, 03:01 PM
I was a steady drinker before, At least 3 times a week out at the bars with friends or clients. 2 pitchers minimum with friends and with clients 1-2 bottles of wine.

Then I had the bad panic attack. I decided to cut back on the drinking. Now being a heavy drinker and trying to cut back talk about withdraws in addition to fighting a panic attack and anxiety attack.

Anyways I was afraid to drink after my panic attacks and I went through what you all are going through. I tried drinking once and then had a bad panic attack. Eventually I began to associate "Negative" things to drinking. This is where our CBT Practice comes in! We just associate a negative with something and it sticks.... you have to un-stick it!

So along with my meds, I have been practicing to mentally change the way I think. I did some heaving drinking on this new meds, that wasnt a good Idea, as I had a bad hangover and suffered a couple of days.

Continued to disassociate negative thoughts to drinking and tried again recently. I didnt drink heavy but I drank enough. The next day I was fine, no hangover, no panic/anxiety.

The biggest thing was I told myself. I have done this so many times before, what am I worried about, why am I so anxious. It just got easier and easier to re-adjust.

Now I dont advocate drinking at all, but social drinking is fun, and being with my friends and clients I didnt want to be the awkward guy.

I can say I am drinking again but a little more responsible drinking. I am not associating panic attacks or anxiety to it anymore like I was before. I just remind myself that I have done this millions of times before I had my bad panic attack, whats the problem. Over time and practicing these mental exercises it eventually dissipated!

Good Luck, and if anything..... Take it as a sign from your body to just quit drinking! I know I have cut back so much, saved a lot of money and feel healthier!