View Full Version : Doctors and social anxiety

05-02-2014, 07:02 AM

I hope it's OK to post here, as I'm a newbie...I know some forums have rules against doing that...if I've done anything wrong, I apologise!!!

I was wondering....this is probably not uncommon, but does anyone else here have fear of doctors? I do - this is something that started a long long long long long time ago. I went once when I was about 17 because I had an ear infection so bad that I was wailing in pain. Before that I hadn't been for years, and I didn't go to my follow-up appointment, and I've never been again. That was 14 years ago!! It's been so long now, I don't feel like I could ever go back.

However, at some point I think I need to face up to the fact that I need help with my anxiety. I've tried going it alone, but I think I need a doctor's help. And I have no idea how to go about doing this. I just don't think I'd make it through all the anxiety....

For one thing, I don't have a doctor - I'm registered with a surgery but I don't have a 'usual doctor'. So I don't know who I'd be seeing. I'd have to sit in a waiting room with other people, and I'd feel so judged, etc etc... I can't even think as far as actually being in the room with the doctor!!!

Can anyone offer any advice, or tell me how they overcame this to actually get face-to-face with a doctor? And if I do get there, how do I broach the subject with the doctor? I'm a long-term sufferer of social anxiety, but I know I won't feel comfortable walking in and saying "Hi, I have this, help me please!" And what if I get a doctor who isn't understanding, what if he/she laughs at me and makes me feel stupid? What if they tell me off for not going sooner? The thought of having this conversation with someone after all this time just makes me want to curl up in my bed and cry for 3 days!!!!

Sorry for the long post. I think at this point just knowing someone else has got past this will help me!


P.S. Oh man, I think I've put this in the wrong section haven't I? Can anyone help me move it? Please forgive my mistake, I'm new!!!! :-) xx

05-02-2014, 10:43 AM
Hi angeleese and welcome to the forum :-)

I was kind of in the same situation as you are.
I had recently changed doctors surgeries so was unfamiliar with my doctors there.
But I had been back and forward feeling unwell not realising it was anxiety symptoms making me feel unwell.

When I finally realised it was anxiety I rang my surgery to explain how I was feeling. The receptionist was lovely and made me the last appointment of the day with a female and suggested I wrote everything down.
Going last of the day helped me as there wasn't many people in the waiting room and I knew I wasn't holding any other patients up by being a while.
The doctor was lovely and understanding.
Don't get me wrong I have been back and seen other doctors who haven't been so understanding but now I just don't go and see them anymore.

Hope you manage to get some help soon :-)

Oh and don't worry about where your thread is posted it's fine :-)

Hannah :-)