View Full Version : Help! I've gone a bit weird(er)

05-02-2014, 03:50 AM
My dr has upped me from 50mg Sertline to 100mg.

I started with similar side effects to when I was on the 50mgs, zoning out a bit and things. However I've gone into the office this morning and I guess the only way to describe this is I'm a bit manic. I keep doing stupid things (spent ten minutes trying to draw a circle in photoshop before realising I was using the square tool for example), I watched my bus show up and drive off before remembering I have to get on it and I struggled to put my cup of tea down. It was like I kept going to do it but forgetting to do it.

This isn't normal.

I'm not the most normal person at the best of times but this is very strange. My colleagues have noticed and, luckily, find it funny but I'm not sure if I should go home.

Am assuming this is a side effect, if not I've gone mad.

05-02-2014, 06:37 AM
Oh that's good news that you have upped your dose,no you have not gone mad as people that have gone mad don't think they have gone mad
We all get days like this I would not stress about it.you have had a lot in your mind
Take care