View Full Version : Headspins

05-02-2014, 02:28 AM
In people's experiences, are headspins an anxiety side effect or medication side effect?Have been on my medication (pristiq) for a while so it's not a reaction to a new medication. I get them in the mornings and it feels like it's all through my body. My arms and legs sort of tingle as well. Is this a normal/common thing to experience?

Thanks in advance

05-02-2014, 12:01 PM
Hey! I for one haven't experienced with anxiety itself... I was put on fluoxetine and I felt like my legs and arms were constantly like tingling and wanting to move and almost gets rid of the tension.. its such a weird sensation.. ive just started coming off the fluoxetine because its made things worse but I am still experiencing that weird sensation that my whole body is tense and almost like tingling like you say this normally happens on the night but I also get that with anxiety attacks and just being anxious... However not the headspins I don't think sorry?? I hope you are okayx :)

05-02-2014, 12:08 PM
Thank you :). My doc has me alternating doses of pristiq (100mg one day 200mg the next). Maybe hormone imbalance? Have been crying most of the day for literally no reason which is confusing.

05-02-2014, 12:10 PM
Awh! I bet it probably is that then? But wow that's a high dose!!! I was on 20mg of fluoxetine but because im 15 I wasn't aloud to go higher! While im coming off it, im on diazepam which makes me so sleepy! hahah!:) Glad you are okay though!

05-03-2014, 12:53 AM
It's not too high a dose for pristiq. I was on 60mg Prozac and I think that's about equivalent to 200mg pristiq from what my doctor said. Careful taking too much diazepam, it's very addictive xx