View Full Version : any emergency anti anxiety specific?
05-13-2008, 12:29 PM
I'm going to week long workshop and need to be protected from my symptoms during that time, is there any fast working specific for emergency bad feeling, pain, mood, stress etc? (except marijuana, it is already been packed... :mrgreen: )
The Melody of Rain
05-13-2008, 05:30 PM
I would have suggested marijuana, but I don't really want to be advocating the use of drugs to anyone with'll only prolong your symptoms in the long run man. Had I not kicked the hash in January I'd still be shaking life a leaf now. Having kicked it, the tables have flipped entirely.
I remember someone telling me about an over the counter "calmer" you can buy in pharmacies that students use on the morning of exams to get rid of the anxiety. I'll find out as much as I can about this tomorrow evening for you. Its a pitty I didnt remember this when I was anxious, but I was hard pushed to be able to speak to tell the entire truth. Anyway, off the top of my head, it comes in liquid form. Two drops on the tongue and its like the most beautiful joint you've ever smoked. Kind of like the way benzos are supposed to be, without all the negative side affects. I just cant think of the name at the moment but I'll find out for you, its not coming to me. Allegedly it works like a charm...interesting. I'll see what I can do.
05-13-2008, 05:52 PM
Anyway, off the top of my head, it comes in liquid form. Two drops on the tongue and its like the most beautiful joint you've ever smoked. Kind of like the way benzos are supposed to be, without all the negative side affects.
wow, thats what I need! Especially that will be music workshop it maybe helpful to be smoked :tongue: I hope you'll recall the name of this magic elixir.
Thanks Melody of Rain.
btw very nice name, like a title of the song...
05-13-2008, 08:14 PM
I would have suggested marijuana, but I don't really want to be advocating the use of drugs to anyone with'll only prolong your symptoms in the long run man. Had I not kicked the hash in January I'd still be shaking life a leaf now. Having kicked it, the tables have flipped entirely.
Also, just like SSRIs, marijuana is a rather unpredictable drug. Although it might calm some people, it can actually make others panicky. And even for those who seem to get a calming effect, taking too much and/or too strong of a variety can cause increased anxiety/panic.
The Melody of Rain
05-14-2008, 05:10 PM
I used to have to calm myself down before smoking Marijuana or else I'd twitch to bits. These days I smoke the occasional Spice Gold joint, which is basically a legal form of Marijuana which you can buy in head-shops around Dublin, but I think its illegal in the States. Its like a smokable benzodiazapine; again, with no adverse effects whatsoever...well, at least none reported from anyone I know.
It may be Saturday before I can find out of the name of that elixir my friend as thats the next time I'll get an opportunity to see the person who knows it, unless I see my mother (a nurse who works in a surgery along with like, five others) tomorrow who'll definitely be able to find out. My memories still off, which is a little annoying but I know its improving daily so why panic.
And thanks for the comment on the name, I'm actually writing an album called The Melody of Rain as it is.
05-15-2008, 06:39 AM
i live in Australia we call that calm thing Calmer or Calm yeah you can buy it over the counter
05-15-2008, 02:03 PM
I find DHC (dihydracodiene) to be a good relaxant if only taken now and then. Unfortunately Im hooked up on the stuff at the moment,because if you use it everyday for pain as I started out doing,it's like any drug, you need more to get you there. I know it's not in the same league as blow or ash,but a couple of those with a diazapam will calm you down,but again with anything you have to be careful.
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