View Full Version : Problems with anxiety / can't stop thinking about the past

05-02-2014, 12:36 AM
Last year I was in a job that made me very unhappy and motivated, and I think it has caused most of my present anxiety issues. I'm now currently in a new job which I love, is going really well, and is the total opposite of everything my old job but I still feel I'm affected by things I felt from my old job. For example when I started my new job in October I couldn't stop dwelling on all the negative things from my old job, even though I was (and still am) so please and happy within my new role. I'd literally be getting ready every morning trying to stop myself thinking of all the bad things from the past and focus on the good stuff in the present, but my brain kept pulling up all these horrible things.

Around this time I noticed anxiety was affecting me quite a bit, like I really had to motivate myself to leave the house on my days off and not just sit about all day. I'm in a fairly good place now but this year especially I've been constantly dwelling on the past and what should have been. Like I literally can't sleep sometimes because I keep thinking about mistakes I made in school (which was ages ago) or times I've fallen out with people or never stood up for myself. I'm just wondering if this sort of negative thinking about the past has ever triggered anybody else? I used to dwell on stuff loads but lately I've gotten back into the bad habit of it.

I've made a doctors appointment for next week and I'm determined to discuss these issues I'm having with my anxiety, but I don't know if bringing up how the past is really still affecting me is silly? Any advice and tips would be welcome, thank-you.

05-03-2014, 04:55 AM
Hey pearl bones.

Glad to hear you'll chat to the man in white about your problems. :)

Quick question, just randomly asking really; do you have any compulsions or OCD traits?

05-05-2014, 02:26 PM
Hey pearl bones.

Glad to hear you'll chat to the man in white about your problems. :)

Quick question, just randomly asking really; do you have any compulsions or OCD traits?


Thank-you (:

Erm I don't really think I have any OCD traits but I do get really worried about leaving doors unlocked, things unplugged, etc. when I have to leave the house during a particular bad patch of anxiety but I just think that might be my mood/not really wanting to leave the house.