View Full Version : Anxiety woke me up

05-01-2014, 11:56 PM
Just randomly woke up having anxiety... I keep yawning like I need oxygen or something and trying to take a deep breath so I feel like I'm having trouble breathing. It's so scary. I hate it!

05-02-2014, 06:52 AM
Hello :) I can fully relate to this I have suffered with us to, I normally rub Vicks and my nose or have a strong mint as it makes me feel like a can breath more deeper if that makes sense. I think this is a common one with Anxiety so you're not alone

05-02-2014, 03:20 PM
Happened to me before..... remember some of our anxiety is from our subconscious so when we are sleeping it could wake us up. When it does happen we need to immediately shift to our conscious mind and go into our Panic attack training of breathing and realizing there is no danger to shut off the "Fight or Flight" mechanism.

Eventually when we get a grip of our subconscious, you should see less and less of be rudely awaken by panic attacks!

Sleep well!