View Full Version : Anxiety, or more?
05-01-2014, 07:51 PM
Well, I'm a 22 male and have been going back and fourth between doctors because these past few months have been hell. I first went to the E.R. because my heart rate was up and so was my blood pressure. They did blood work, an EKG and a chest x-ray. It all came back normal and the doctor said it was nothing more than a case of anxiety. He set me up to wear a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours and all of that came back normal.
About two weeks later, I had chest pains and went to the E.R. again. They, again, did an EKG and it came back normal. I then went to my family doctor, whom listened to my heart for about five minutes and he said it sounded normal. Mind you, I have also been having palpitations during this time. So he sent me for a Cardiac CT Scan. He also assumes its anxiety.
So, two days ago I went and did my CT scan. I don't have the results back yet, but I have been more nervous ever since this all started. I was just out with some friends, driving around and doing nothing when it felt like my heart stopped. I lost my breath and this hot flush came over me. I checked for a pulse and couldn't find one in my chest or neck. It lasted for about five seconds and then my heart started back up again. The hot flush went away. I am so nervous now and thinking about going to the E. R. again... Someone please give me an opinion and help. :(
05-02-2014, 12:55 AM
I went to the E.R. tonight because of the above. The doctor gave me the results for my blood test, which came back normal. He also gave me the results of my CT scan I had done of my chest and said that it came back normal as well. He said it's anxiety and told me I need to take daily medication if I can't handle it. :(
I had all those symptoms when my anxiety started as well. I had all the same tests apart from the cat scan & everything came back normal. I was so convinced there was something more wrong with me but nothing ever came back positive. Maybe anxiety just comes with these very real physical symptoms. Hope everything comes back okay for you & the doc can help you to feel better.
05-02-2014, 02:39 AM
I went to the E.R. tonight because of the above. The doctor gave me the results for my blood test, which came back normal. He also gave me the results of my CT scan I had done of my chest and said that it came back normal as well. He said it's anxiety and told me I need to take daily medication if I can't handle it. :(
Hey, ive had that same feeling happen. Its scary, and sucks but wont hurt you. You have to accept your heart knows whats best, and since everything checks out. Just remember, the flush is the adrenaline, and the heartbeat was probably a skipped or an early beat. Which happens. Message me if youd like
05-02-2014, 11:39 AM
Thank you so much! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one that has had these symptoms. I'm now taking Paxel. It's my first time.
Sorry that you're having to go through that. I remember how completely awful and scary it was. x
05-03-2014, 05:30 PM
Thanks Elsa!
I have been feeling so weird ever since Thursday. It's like there is something wrong. My stomach remains in knots, and a heavy-like feeling in my chest. But all of the tests came back normal. So there cannot be anything wrong. I just woke up from a small nap and my heart beat was up to 102. I know it's not alarming. I must have had a bad dream, or something.
05-04-2014, 12:40 AM
Tell yourself 3 things:
1) The doctors did tests on you and they said nothing's wrong
2) The doctors have more knowledge than you, they have studied this their whole life
3) If there was really something wrong with you, they'd call you ASAP about the results instead of taking long.
My first panic attack was similar to yours, I had massive palpitations and I got scared and I went to the ER. They told me it was nothing, just a panic attack. Even during the following few weeks after that panic attack, I'd get palpitations for short periods throughout the day because I'd be scared to get another panic attack lol. I am fine now, but you have to remember the 3 things I've said and it made my palpitations go away. Whenever you have palpitations, tell yourself that it's just anxiety and you're not going to die from it. I told myself that, got used to it everytime palpitations occured, and now I don't have them anymore.
I had all the same symptoms. I literally thought I was dying. It was impossible to be alone and I couldn't drive or do anything by myself. My partner was working and I was relying on my mum to be there for me like a little girl.. Anxiety is really powerful. The symptoms are incredibly real. It does become manageable. I'm on meds now which helps but I also have better control over it in my mind. I just have to remind myself I'm fine and it prevents the panic attacks. I know it's so awful right now, but you will gain control of it and be able to feel normal again. Try to remind yourself that so many others have experienced exactly what you're going through & if it were anything more the doctors would have found it.
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