View Full Version : Yep... panic attack

05-01-2014, 02:52 PM
Exactly what I said would happen, happend. I'm really angry atm. I told
my cousins that I can't be around when they're smoking weed. This is what they do instead: Try to convince me to smoke, tell me it was laced the first time and then tell my I'm a coward because I can't even be around it.

And now I'm panicking because I'm afraid this might not be anxiety, since the weed was laced. I'm also having severe DR/DP. I'm trying to calm down, any ideas/methods to counter this?

05-01-2014, 02:54 PM
I told I get hallucinations and shit, but they tell me im making a big deal out of nothing.

05-01-2014, 03:05 PM
Elias, First and foremost..... breath! Breath like how you are sleeping.... long, slow and deep.

Secondly lets De-catasphrophy, First and foremost you smoked the last time, Its over its done. It didnt "kill" you, you survived. Secondly Laced or not, you survived and you are fine. Healthy as an Ox doctors said so themselves. The issue you have is that you are over thinking the situation and them making comments is enforcing your negative thoughts.

Now them making comments about being a coward. I think you are being stronger by standing up to them and making the decision not to do what they tell you. I think thats strong and admirable rather than being a coward.

Next smoking is not for everyone, its like all of us here taking different types of meds, Sometimes it works for one an not another. They enjoy smoking just because they do doesnt mean you have to!

Your panic is because you feel the anxiety of them pressuring you, secondly you are worried about what happened last time. If you are not sure just don't do it! Lastly I would laugh at your cousin and let them have their good time with their weed. You have other things you enjoy! So even if you have to leave a family member that cares would not make fun of you and would not do things to make your life harder than it is! They would be there to support and help. I think we here at the forums are being more of a family than that other person!

05-01-2014, 03:07 PM
Skriv till mig om du vill my friend.

05-01-2014, 03:07 PM
PS Your panic attack is warranted, dont be afraid of it. You had a bad experience with it so its "Normal" how you deal with the panic and how you mental perceive it will make the difference!

05-03-2014, 04:52 AM
Yeah, they're kinda being jackasses. Sometimes people don't take anxiety seriously enough. My family used to make my drink alcohol, and I'd get fucked up and have panic attacks. Hard for them to understand why I was being so 'boring'

Sounds like you've just come in contact with a trigger, that's all?

Talking yourself down is always a good thing to learn. No matter how severe the anxiety, learn to be comforting with your self talk will really limit your panic attacks and their severity.

05-03-2014, 02:40 PM
Guys, thanks really. It really helps. Yea, this my biggest trigger. Sometimes you gotta face your biggest fear and not react to it. That's what I did. I was around them when they were smoking all the time and I didn't react to in a negative way to it. I hope this is a step in the right direction.

My cousins are still trying to convince me to smoke and everytime I'm telling them that I can't do it. My lil bro smoked for the first time aswell. He didn't react bad to it and now they tell me that I'm weak and sensitive. They're telling me that I'm paranoid. "stop hanging out with them" - I can't. They're my best friends and we share
almost everything together. Ever since we were kids, we've been like brothers. Now this came up and I don't know how to deal with this. They say that I'm boring and they think that I choose to not have fun. I mean, what would you do in a situation like this?

Appreciate the help guys

05-03-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi elias

Sorry your having such a tough time with your friends right now. Is it possible to just have a little time away from them until you feel a little more comfortable with their smoking.
I understand that might be tough or if not just tell them you really don't want to as you just don't like it.
My hubby is a recovering alcoholic and he still doesn't feel too comfortable being around people drinking. Me either to be honest! But what he does if he feels uncomfortable is just walks away to another room or outside for five minutes to chill. I no his situation is really different to yours but it might be something you could do.

Hope you are ok

Hannah :-)